My SIL had her little girl yesterday and I went today to visit them.
It was SO WEIRD going back to the hospital where I delivered my girls. The last time I was there was when I was taking them home from the NICU. I felt so funny walking through the maternity ward, and then I saw the Head NICU Nurse that took care of my babies. She recognized me and I started crying. I was showing her pictures of the girls and she was giving me lots of hugs. God Bless NICU nurses.
Anyway, my SIL's little girl was so sweet. I immediately asked if I could swaddle her because she wasn't swaddled! LOL. I'm such a dork. I miss swaddling! She's the sweetest little thing and I'm so excited to be her Aunt. My SIL was a trooper through her labor, so I brought my make-up kit, did her make-up and took a million photos of her and her new little family.
Such a great afternoon! But that little girl sure did crank up my baby fever!!
Re: Baby Fever!!! (I met my new niece) :)
Awww, that is so funny that you had to swaddle her, I also loooove a swaddled baby, they are like a perfect little package. I totally wish I had someone who came and did my makeup after I had my boys, I was a hot mess! That was a really sweet idea.
Have fun spoiling her and sending her back to her parents!
Congrats, auntie!
I was a hot asss mess after having the girls. I was SO swollen and drugged out looking. I don't think makeup would've made a dent in that.
After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!
Girrllll...who are you telling?!!!!
I went into my c-section with full makeup and jewelry on because I was "determined" to look good in my hospital pictures. (yes, you are not supposed to have make-up or jewelry on in surgery, but I did. My doctor wore heels during my section, so I guess I was in good company- hee hee).
I was swolllen from my pregnancy, but I had NO IDEA how much swelling can happen from a c-section. It was wayyy worse than my pregnancy swelling. I'm almost unrecognizable in the two photos that I have. I was so upset about how puffy I was that I refused pictures- in hindsight, stupid....but I looked like crap!
I wore makeup to the OR, too! Haha! But shiiiit, it didn't help. By the time I got to my room, I looked like I had packed 20 pounds on since delivery. WTF! Serious puff face. And my feet started looking like bread loaves. I remember texting my Peri a couple hours later saying, "Hurry back and come see me! I am all swollen and look like a hot ass mess!"
Bless his heart, he came over that night and told me I looked beautiful, and the swelling was normal.
But like you, I saw one picture of myself and said NO MORE!
After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!
Imagine that - but they then pumped you full of saline because you lost so much blood. Then you would have me.
I was so bloated that they couldn't find a vein. I've done a lot of sucky things in my life, but few top being in c section recovery for 18 hours.
dh posted a pic of that on FB - and someone commented with the usual "and you look great, mama". I got on the phone and called her a liar.
4 Fresh IVF cycles + 1 FET where embies didn't survive the thaw = 2 perfect little men!
sFET 11/9/11 - Beta 11/18 BFP!
Have to chime in here about looking like a hot asssss mess...
I basically puked my boys out at 11pm (I'm not kidding, my violent puking is what pushed them out). I spent the rest of the night/morning being resuscitated and receiving 4 blood transfusions after hemorrhaging. At 8am I was finally stable enough to go to my room where I met the boys for the first time and a professional photographer shows up (which was a complete surprise to me thanks to DH). I have puke in my hair, I looked like a blown up whale from all the fluid and blood they gave me, all the make-up I had put on the day before was running down my face, and come to find out DH spent a crap load of money for prof pics. Those pics kind of make me laugh now.
And you are signing up to do it all over again. Welcome to the looney bin, I'll scoot over.
I wasn't able to talk about my delivery for a long time. It's just recently made the switch from traumatizing to funny.
4 Fresh IVF cycles + 1 FET where embies didn't survive the thaw = 2 perfect little men!
sFET 11/9/11 - Beta 11/18 BFP!
I've got that end-of-pregnancy-can't-wait-to-hold-my-babies thing going on. Was SO thrilled that my nephew, Roman, finally decided to make his grand entrance yesterday (11th). I can't wait to hold him and snuggle him some more, it helps me get through these last few weeks of pregnancy! Yay for being Aunts
Oh congratulatios Jess! I can't wait to see my niece again! It's too fun.