Pregnant after 35

NT Scan w/o Bloodwork?

I've got my NT scan next week and we initially opted out of the quad scan/blood test that gives the combined scan and bloodwork ratio. I'm now having second thoughts and thinking I'd like to get the bloodwork done too. Has anyone done just the NT Scan without having the bloodwork? Does anyone have any thoughts/insights either way? TIA!
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Re: NT Scan w/o Bloodwork?

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    I had both because we wanted to be informed if needed. I would think the scan would only check for the markers and they will not give you a risk score. They will just tell you if the markers are in the scan or not. This is such a personal decision and no one way is correct for everyone. I hope the week goes quickly for you. Enjoy your look at your little one.
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    I had my NT scan today and had the blood draw but was having second thoughts after getting a good report.  I felt why bother but my Drs office already had scheduled it so I just did it but could care less about the results.  i basically just used it as a way to see for my own 2 eyes that the baby was alive and well.  I didn't need much more than that.

    It is everyones personal choice and you have to do what you feel comfortable with.

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    If you are thinking about getting the bloodwork done, call your doctor's office and find out if you still can and how much longer you can do it.  There is a window of opportunity for having it done, at least at my OB's office. 

    ETA:  I just posted this in response to another question - but my OB's office won't give NT results until the much more accurate bloodwork results are in hand.  They find the NT on its own too unreliable and anxiety inducing with the high ratio of false positives it gives.  My NT results were not so good, but I didn't find that out until after I found out that everything was okay based on the bloodwork.  It saved me a lot of stress.

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    I think you should do the blood work - obviously it's a personal choice, but that is just my opinion. It's almost like you might as well go all the way or not at all? I agree with some PP that with the b/w you will get better results that could save you unneeded stress. Of course, you have to decide what is best for you and only you have the answer. Good luck deciding :)
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    Thanks, Ladies, I called my OB's office Friday and worked it out so I will have the bloodwork done as well. Just getting the most information possible out of the Scan makes the most sense for me. Thanks again!


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