41 Weeks Pregnant

Welcome to Week 41!

Welcome to Week 41 of your pregnancy! Chat with other Week 41 Bumpies here. 

Re: Welcome to Week 41!

  • Hello every body i am now 41 weeks i am dreading having this baby cos my last one was 10pound 11ounces born
  • that is not a small baby! how far along were you when you had your first?

    im at 41 weeks on saturday....come on baby its time to come!

    O16 April Siggy
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  • Im 41 weeks and I've tried everything to induce labor and I will be induced on the 15 th but I would rather just break my water naturally any suggestions?
  • I'm doing a combination of Evening Primrose Oil pills at 500 mg and Raspberry Leaf tea.

    I'm starting it tonight as this is the beginning of my 41st week.  Wish my chiro and midwives had recommended the EPO earlier as you can start it as early as 37 weeks.  EPO releases prostaglandins which ripen the cervix which can in turn help the baby put more pressure on it to help dilate you.  Keep in mind it will not induce labor unless you're body is ready to give birth. EPO is a great way to give it that little nudge it might need to start the process.  The Raspberry tea helps tone your uterus by letting it contract in a more regular manner.

     There's also the option of nightly sex too if it's not too uncomfortable!  Even if you still have to be medically induced taking EPO and getting your cervix ready will help make the induction go alot smoother and faster.

    Be sure you ask your OB/midwife before you start taking any of these of course.  But knowledge is power! Good luck and have faith:)


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