Upstate NY Babies

**Teen Mom watchers**

so ok I just watched this week's most recent epi and I have some thoughts:

A) The whole thing about Ryan being mad about Maci having Kyle move in is silly to me- I know it's his son and he has a right to know who his son is exposed to but aside from that- he really has no leg to stand on...she can date, live with, marry anyone she chooses- as can he...and his parents kill me- take her to court, take her to court...they need to back out- if they said "wear a condom" perhaps this wouldnt be "breaking their hearts"

B) I'm so over Gary and Amber...what the heck?! Gary is all- I love you, I hate you, I want you back, I dont want you...and Amber is just a hot mess...

C) I don't know how Farrah functions- seriously~ she really acts like a child- she pouts and complains and makes impulsive decisions... 

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Re: **Teen Mom watchers**

  • Yes, I agree on all! Farrah just seems like a spoiled brat...they obviously have money.

    I feel so bad for Amber's DD....I hope she can get herself together at the new place and make a home for Leah.

    How does Maci afford her place? Wasn't the rent over 1k? I agree his parents need to back off....but I don't like Kyle much. He is good with Bentley but he is so ho hum. I sometimes wish she and Ryan would get back together. I thought it was funny his mom was asking if he thought they would. 

    Tyler and Catelynn have it together and are fun to watch....but their families are so confusing and a huge mess! 

  • I agree with you!  I think a lot of what Ryan's parents hear though are lies from maybe they are thinking Kyle is a bad influence, when really he has been more of a dad-figure than Ryan at least maybe until recently it seems Ryan wants Bentley more, and not just for his parents to watch.  And when the mom said a judge wouln't want them living together....what?  I mean maybe I just spend too much time at walmart, but there's a whole lot worse that Maci could have living with her than the same boyfriend.  It's not like she brings home a different guy every week and who knows their history and friends hanging around the apartment.

    Also, wasn't it funny how he went on and on how he was over Maci, and then when his mom asked if he thought Maci was over him, he was just like "I don't know"  haha.

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  • I agree with jnk about Ryan not telling his parents the whole story.  I don't know how going to court over Maci & Kyle living together would solve anything.  I think Ryan is just a punk.

    I about DIED when Farrah put the puppy over the toilet and told it to pee.  Just wow.  She's so condescending and snotty towards everyone it just pisses me off. 

    Amber & Gary are just a mess but Leah is a doll!  That poor girl.

    I really like Tyler & Caitlyn but I wonder if them being on the show makes it more difficult for them to deal with the whole adoption thing, even now, a year and a 1/2 after the fact.   

    DD1: 3/31/10 DD2: 9/7/11
  • As soon as Farrah tried to get that dog to pee on the toilet, I thought someone's going to post on TB about it!  What is wrong with her?  And the thing is, she has a kid, and I've seen her put Sophia on the toilet (I think?) so she must have a clue that babies and puppies don't come potty-trained. 

    I have no interest in the Gary/Amber story.  Other than the fact that he went out the night before Leah's b-day and was hungover, nice.  

    I wonder about the constant rehashing about the adoption with Caitlynn and Tyler.  I did think his reaction to her coming home was sweet, I'm glad they're a good support system to each other.  

    What difference does it make who Maci lives with?  I don't believe that a court can tell her that she can't live with Kyle and Bentley, unless there is some kind of child abuse allegation.  And I have a confession, I think Ryan is hot.  There I said it.  But man he is dumb!

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