Eco-Friendly Family


Hello ladies.  I am a lurker who rarely posts on this board but have a question.  It is kind of sort of baby related. ;)

I am training to become a doula and am having the hardest time thinking of a name for my business.  I really would love something more earthy and of course friends who have given me suggestions have had.. well, questionable business name ideas.  I know this is kind of an odd question, but would LOVE your advice!  Thank you!!



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Re: Lurker....

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    I'd start by compiling a list of words that you feel represents you / your practice. Descriptive words, symbolic imagery, place names [your city, neighborhood, or street, if you want], and maybe pick up a thesaurus and look for synonyms of words like birth, born, life, mother, etc.
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    Eileithyia is the greek goddess of birth. You could incorporate that or find something similar that fits you. I like things like that that are different and "you". :)
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    Honestly, most of the doula's I met with just used their name.  I sort of see it like photography... you don't need a cutesy name.  Most of the really great photogs I've met are just Joe Smith Photography, KWIM?  Same goes for doulas.
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