I was reading over the information required at our daycare today.. everything has to be labeled (of course). How did you label things if you had the same genders? Did you just label your last name or label their first and last names? I was thinking about clothes and what not since they will probably both wear each others all the time. Any insight?
Re: Daycare labeling question!
For clothes I just put their last name. For Tupperware items when I pack their lunch I usually just put their last name. (I use a Sharpie marker)
For beverages I bought the Inch-bug labels (you can use them on bottles & sippy cups) that were recommended to me on here and the Working Mom's board. They were the best money I have ever spent. You put them on your bottles or sippies and they stay on even through the dishwasher. I have been using them for 2 years and they are great.
Here is the link to the labels:
Inch-bug labels
I had labels made with their individual names - for bottles, sippies, etc. While I never cared that they share at home, I respect that DC needs to keep them separate.
For clothes, I ordered Iron on labels that say "Alexander & Harrison Hxxxxxx" since they pretty much share everything.
4 Fresh IVF cycles + 1 FET where embies didn't survive the thaw = 2 perfect little men!
sFET 11/9/11 - Beta 11/18 BFP!
we had to (legally) use first and last name on the food items and date them.
I used mabels labels for the name https://www.mabel.ca/products/sticky+labels&a=www
and these date stickys from inchbug https://www.inchbug.com/ib-ds5.html
I have the rubber name bands from inch bugs but I hated taking them off and on. The mabels labels stay on through the d/w so I don't have to bother with it.
for clothes I use mabels tagmates...they stick on instead of ironon, and hold up thru the wash. I love them and can put them on anything...even the caps to the bottles so mine don't disappear, inside shoes, on blankets, etc. https://www.mabel.ca/products/colourful+tag+mates