Sorry ladies. I know this has been asked before...but the search bar at the bottom is pathetic and doesnt EVER return any results for me.
I've been having fairly steady/strong contractions since last night so of course now I'm on last minute bag packing duty just in case things really pick up and I have to head in... I've only done this 3 times before... but never with multiples...and I'm a little rusty.
Any suggestions on what I need to take? We're hoping for a vaginal birth as long as all goes well... I've got the iPad with earbuds... makeup...shampoo and soap... big ole undies and pants and a tank top...water bottle...two sleepers for each of the babies and hats... Help me add to my list
Re: Hospital bag...I know its been asked a million times
phone charger
a toothbrush and toothpaste
a hair tie
Preemie ID DDs; then DS; then natural M/C; now due 10/17
High risk for pre-term: weekly Makena injections
the hospital i'm currently staying in seems to be extremely dry. I've had to send DH to target for chapstick and a small body lotion. my lips are so chapped and my hands and legs are so dry.
hard candy/vending machine money/snacks for you after LO's are here and you are allowed to eat- which seems to always happen at 3 am and everything is closed..
make sure you have your memory card in your camera and maybe an extra one, plus extra batteries
i have my own travel hair dryer.
extra contacts/solution/storage case
glasses/lens wipes/case
socks, nursing bras, pads, lanolin
I wish I had at least a small makeup mirror because the only one in my room is on the other side at standing height and there isn't one on my rolling bedside tray table.
hubby- something to wear while helping you in the shower, and prescription meds/OTC allergy pills, etc HE needs for a few days (ahem.. lol)
here they can provide tiny shampoo/conditioner, toothbrush.paste, if you forgot them. but i prefer my own stuff.
HTH and Good Luck!!