I am very thrilled to report that Eleanor and I are going on our third bottle free day! I am still pumping about 4 times a day especially in the mornings when I feel still feel full after she eats. The feedings are spreading out in the mornings to about three hours apart but in the evenings, she is eating about every 2 hours. Do you think that this is because my supply is decreased in the evening? Nights are getting pretty rough with this schedule! I am guessing that the more I nurse, the more my supply will grow to meet her needs for nights. How long does your DS go at night?
Re: *urbanflowerpot*
This is wonderful news! I'm so happy for you both!
When you ask about nighttime do you mean after you've gone to bed? That sounds about right - Tristan eats about every two until bed when he does one more bigger feed then normally he'd go about three hours. Our issue for the last two nights has been engorgement (AAAA!) because he's starting to go 4-5 hours!!! I don't want to pump because I don't want my body to think it needs this if it doesn't but it's terribly uncomfortable. Sometimes I'd panic that my supply was low because I seemed empty - hand express to check but I'd say 9 times out of 10 your body's keeping up just fine!
Oh, during growth spurts prepare to be anchored! You feel like it's nonstop! but it's good
I don't know - some folks on here say yes, others say no. I'm not sure when they are but can tell one is coming on when he acts differently.
We used a shield through both NICU's but a couple weeks after coming home for good he rejected it. He'd just start pulling it off/shoving it. His suck was all messed up back then anyway, so when I committed to EBF I left it off and stuck with that. If he'd been using it still I would have remained consistent & kept it.