Eco-Friendly Family

An into and need help getting started

Hi ladies, this is my first post on this board. I posted last night on 24+ about this and was directed here.

I have been thinking a lot lately about getting our family to be more eco-friendly and healthier. I have done some research on natural cleaning products but am overwhelmed by all of the recipes. I need something to clean/sanitize kitchen and bathroom surfaces as well as clean glass. Is there a solution that does all that in one? I also need something to dust wood surfaces. 

Also, in terms of food where should I start? I have been going to the farmer's market more this summer and buying more fresh fruit, freezing some for winter and making some baby food for DD who is just starting solids. We don't have many organic/natural options around here. There isn't a Whole Foods or a Trader Joes (although there is one about 2 hours away that I would be willing to make a trip to every couple of months). Our grocery stores are getting better selections but where do I get the most bang for my buck. We have 2 deep freezes so we are thinking about buying a side of beef from a local farmer that sells grass-fed beef. We can buy chicken and pork this way too, I just need to look into farmers and find one we like. Where should I go from there?

Thanks for all your help. I look forward to looking through this board for more ideas. 


Re: An into and need help getting started

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    Ok, lots of questions, so I'll answer below, in bold. And welcome!


    Hi ladies, this is my first post on this board. I posted last night on 24+ about this and was directed here.

    I have been thinking a lot lately about getting our family to be more eco-friendly and healthier. I have done some research on natural cleaning products but am overwhelmed by all of the recipes. No need for most recipes- just do a vinegar and water combo and it will clean most everything.  I use a half and half solution.

    I need something to clean/sanitize kitchen and bathroom surfaces as well as clean glass. Is there a solution that does all that in one? I also need something to dust wood surfaces. Again, half vinegar solution is my goto, in a spray bottle. To dust wood, just use water and a microfiber cloth. You'll find that you don't really NEED most of these specialzed cleaners, that water or vinegar will do fine.  I'm not a purist and I do keep an antibacterial cleaner on hand for any big time creepy clean up (i.e. chicken juice, bathroom cleanup if someone is sick, etc).

    Also, in terms of food where should I start? I have been going to the farmer's market more this summer Farmer's market is a great start! Keeps money local and the produce is fresher, even if not organic.

    and buying more fresh fruit, freezing some for winter and making some baby food for DD who is just starting solids. Making baby food is a great idea and really easy. I made all the purees my kid ever ate in about 4 hours using the microwave and a food processor, frozen into ice cube trays and put in ziplocks to store.

    We don't have many organic/natural options around here. There isn't a Whole Foods or a Trader Joes (although there is one about 2 hours away that I would be willing to make a trip to every couple of months). If it were me, I'd make do with a local option, unless you're desperate. No way I'd drive two hours.

    Our grocery stores are getting better selections but where do I get the most bang for my buck. We have 2 deep freezes so we are thinking about buying a side of beef from a local farmer that sells grass-fed beef. We can buy chicken and pork this way too, I just need to look into farmers and find one we like. Where should I go from there? I love my chest freezer! We buy a quarter grassfed steer every year, it's the way to go! I suggest trying one meat type and seeing how disciplined you are about eating out of the freezer. It's great for us but I know some people don't ever eat it all.

    Thanks for all your help. I look forward to looking through this board for more ideas. 

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    Well, since kdello answered everything, I'll just say welcome. WELCOME! 

    Oh, have you thought of using cloth diapers?

    Other EFFin' tips are: buy things used when possible, or buy locally made, or well-made things instead of made in China designed for the dumpster crap. You know, things that are made to break? That astuff is bad. Avoid it.

    Also, money speaks. Support local businesses instead of big box stores when you can.

    Welcome again we hope to see you around more! Feel free to ask any questions as they arise. We have a good group of crafty-cool ladies around here!   

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    Hi ladies, this is my first post on this board. I posted last night on 24+ about this and was directed here.

    I have been thinking a lot lately about getting our family to be more eco-friendly and healthier. I have done some research on natural cleaning products but am overwhelmed by all of the recipes. I need something to clean/sanitize kitchen and bathroom surfaces as well as clean glass. Is there a solution that does all that in one? I also need something to dust wood surfaces. The go-to seems to be vinegar and water. For glass I would just add some alcohol (so it doesn't streak) to the vinegar and water.

    Also, in terms of food where should I start? I have been going to the farmer's market more this summer and buying more fresh fruit, freezing some for winter and making some baby food for DD who is just starting solids. We don't have many organic/natural options around here. There isn't a Whole Foods or a Trader Joes (although there is one about 2 hours away that I would be willing to make a trip to every couple of months). Our grocery stores are getting better selections but where do I get the most bang for my buck. We have 2 deep freezes so we are thinking about buying a side of beef from a local farmer that sells grass-fed beef. We can buy chicken and pork this way too, I just need to look into farmers and find one we like. Where should I go from there? I think you're on the right track. I'd sit down and think about what is most important to you in terms of organics. For me, it's the dirty dozen (dirtiest fruits and veggies), dairy products, and meat. I also try to keep my foods simply by limiting prepackaged foods and preservatives. You could try your hand at canning some stuff from the farmer's market.

    Thanks for all your help. I look forward to looking through this board for more ideas. 


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    Thank you ladies. I had a great trip to the farmer's market today (peaches, onions, zucchini, squash, basil, pasta, and hamburger) and we are looking into buying a side of beef for the freezer.
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    Great answers.  I started making small changes, getting comfortable, and then making more, so I wasn't overwhelmed.

     I always recommend Michael Pollen's In Defense of Food for people looking to change their food habits.  I think it is a good background in what to start looking for. 

     Also, I started "green cleaning" with mostly vinegar, but I also think having Dr. Bronner's Peppermint Castile Soap on hand is nice.  Put some baking soda in a bowl, add a few drops of the Dr. Bronner's, and a little water to make a foamy liquid.  I dip a washrag in that and use it for cleaning all the bathroom surfaces (tub, sinks, toilet, etc.)  I bought the Dr. Bronner's at Walgreens and we buy baking soda in bulk at Sam's.

     Get started, get comfortable, and then come back for more ideas.  :)

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