Ok, so I have a cat named Jasper. Truthfully I never gave the whole Twilight thing much thought when I named him, but I am a fan and do like all the Twilight books/movies. Now, 2 years later, DH and I are expecting a son. We are having a pretty rough time deciding on names and can't find much of anything we both agree on. We both actually like Emmett, BUT, the first thing I think of is our cat being named Jasper and our two "children" being named after siblings from Twilight. I personally think it's weird and I'd rather not have that hanging over the name of my child (and pet). Would this stop you from naming the baby Emmett? Will people make the connection or am I over thinking it?
Re: Potential baby name + pet's name = Twilight sibling names. Weird??
Also, I think that Emmett is a nice name.
I never read the books or saw the movies, but I can't imagine it would be an issue.
Honestly, I wish people would just forget that Twilight exists when naming their babies. So many people are like "I love the name ___ but everyone will think it's after Twilight," even though it sounds like Twilight generally used pretty classic names that have been around for centuries.
Completely agree.
First of all I'll say your not the only one who likes to think of their pets as part of the family!
and it's nice to have everyones name flow!
I do like the name Emmett.. and as other people have said.. no one will really put the two of them together and think that your some kind of twilight nut
I say go for it, Emmett is a great name and when introducing your kids, you will probably only be introducing Emmett as your actual son.
DD's nn is Penny and my dog is Rigby.
I am not even that much of a Beatles fan.
It happens. People might make a connection but oh well, nbd.
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I'm not into Twilight so I'd never make that connection. I don't think it's a big deal at all. Who really cares if your close friends make the connection. You just make a joke and say "I know! We didn't realize we did that...oops!"
I'd use Emmett, 100% Besides, how often (if ever) do you introduce your cat as a member of your family? Are you going to be saying (or signing cards) DH, jesslw, Emmett and Jasper?
If so, we may have bigger issues at hand!
love is for every her, love is for every him, love is for everyone
I hate to be so cynical about it, but this. If the characters had made-up or way more unusual names, it might seem like they were named after the books but Jasper and Emmett were real names long before Twilight was around.
The only thing I find weird is that you're actually, in all seriousness, taking your pet's name into consideration while looking for names for your child.
This is a joke, right?
I do sign my dogs names on our Christmas cards!
I read the books and saw the movies. One of my dogs names is Bella.
I wouldn't take that into consideration though if I liked Emmett or Jacob or any name from twilight. They are all good names. I say use it if you love it. The only one I would give the side-eye is Renesmee.
Jasper and Emmett are both great names!
I don't think it's a problem at all.
Also, I would totally put my dog's name on a Christmas card! Luckily, his name is McLovin so matching him shouldn't be an issue when naming our child...