Eco-Friendly Family

SAHMs... a question

Do you have a daily routine or daily schedule? 

I have gotten bogged down in a lot of NOTHING.  And I want out but I feel like I need some ideas for how to fill our days with activity and enrichment and still be able to get my chores done without me getting overwhelmed with everything.

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Re: SAHMs... a question

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    we pretty much have this schedule:

    breakfast/ cartoons/ coffee/ computer

    play outside/ go to park/ pool/ errands

    eat lunch

    take nap

    clean/ straighten/ run errands

    play doh/ paint/ play with toys

    make dinner


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    I work so I'm no help. lol Though if I did SAH I think I'd probably try to use my mornings for playgroup, outings, errands (schedule 1 each day in general because Will and I are always happier if we get out) and then use naptime and afternoon as chore/dinner prep/at home playtime.
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    I'm the exact same way.  My girls both still take 2 naps a day, so we don't have a ton of time inbetween naps to schedule things.  If I only had one, I'd try to go to the library, a park, etc. at least a few times a week.  Those are the things I'd love to do, but haven't exactly "figured out" yet with 2.
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    I'm a semi SAHM (used to be full time, now DH mostly stays home while I am in school).  Our schedule is similar to the one posted above:

    breakfast/clean up/make bed while kids are strapped into their chairs

    shower and dress while kids play in room

    outing (storytime, park, etc.) or activity


    Kids nap.  Mom/Dad cleans up lunch, sweeps, tidies up, and does one cleaning project.   This usually takes 30 minutes.  Then mom/dad takes a break.

     Kids wake up and have a snack.  Outing (playgroup, splash pad, etc.) or activity or play outside.

    Kids play outside or with toys while dinner gets made.

     We throw in loads of laundry throughout the day, and then every other night or so, DH and I have a "Movie and Laundry Night" after the kids go to bed where we watch a movie and fold all the laundry together.  I think this is a fun time saver.



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    Oh, actually, schedule aside, I think the best advice is this:

    Have ONE cleaning goal and ONE activity goal for each day.  Don't feel like you have to be doing something all the time, and don't feel like they have to be major.   Sometimes the activity goal is let the kids play outside in the sprinkler or to color pictures, and the rest of the time they learn to entertain themselves with their own little imaginations, which is great for them, too!  Sometimes my "cleaning goal" is to prep a casserole for dinner during naptime.  But it gives you a sense of accomplishment that you can build on.

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    We have less of a day routine...and more of a week routine. We also try to get out of the house once a day for an activity (spanish class, park, library, museum, etc)...and I try to hit one cleaning task (toilet, carpets, dishes, laundry, groceries). If anything, I let cleaning slide first...since I also do some part-time work from home.
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    On days that I stay at home:

    Wake up

    Quiet play time



    Outside play and snack (we do this snack outside)




    Activity (cooking, finger paints, play date, etc)

    Outside play

    Inside time and music


    DS plays with Dh




    I do a lot of stuff while DS is occupied. I wash the dishes during his morning time outside. I get school work done during his quiet play time inside. I squeeze other things in whenever I can. I get a lot done while he's napping.

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    I follow this:

    There is the printable calendar sheets at the bottom of the page that are my go-to for cleaning/organizing, which I'm terrible at.

    In addition I put my own to-do's on the calendar by week and day depending and just bang 'em out.

    More specifically, day-to-day I reserve the AM for an errand or two and then it's home, snack, play, lunch and naps.  After nap time we usually play outside until DH gets home. Monday is grocery day, Tuesday and Thursday Parker's in school, Wednesday I visit my memere and Friday is catch-all, but usually a Target run

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    We have less of a day routine...and more of a week routine. We also try to get out of the house once a day for an activity (spanish class, park, library, museum, etc)...and I try to hit one cleaning task (toilet, carpets, dishes, laundry, groceries). If anything, I let cleaning slide first...since I also do some part-time work from home.

    This is us, too. I don't do well with a daily schedule, so I like to keep things flexible.

    Typically our schedule is this [below] but I'll start to WAH in Sept so it'll change a little then.

    Mondays: Park

    Tuesdays: Sensory Activities at the Library 

    Wednesdays: Watch geese at the lake

    Thursdays: Grocery shopping / Errands

    Fridays: Daddy Date [they go out and do something and I have a book date or bath.]

    Saturdays: Open / work in the garden

    Sundays: Farmer's Market 

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    Oh.  I forgot to mention has a monthly calendar filled with simple, daily activities to do with your toddler or preschooler.  I guess I'm really into month calendars. :D
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    Ok here is a "normal" day for us.

    Wake up/ breakfast for dd1/ COFFEE/ calliue/ Snuggle time

    DD2 wakes up I nurse her and change her while DD1 watches House of Mouse.

    Dishes/ pick up time/ I also plan our dinner for the day. DD1 plays in her room, or "helps" me. Sometimes she even does play dough/coloring. I am wearing DD2 during this time.


    After lunch we go out. We either do park/play date/ pet store, or we do errands. Or she does more activities/ goes out side to play.

    We return home and do nap at 3. DD1 doesnt usually go to sleep until 4 so after that I clean/ work out/ veg out.

    Start dinner/ H comes home/ eat

    Play time with Daddy



    Sewing time for mommy while daddy plays with dd2.


    DD1 does her own schedule that we just mix in, I am sure this will change as she gets older.

    DD1 | Jan 2009
    DD2 | June 2011
    DS1 | Oct 2013
       ADD3 | Oct 2014 (April 2001)
    DS2 | June 2016
    DS3 | Dec 2018

    Due with baby blob August 2021

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    No but I'm working on coming up with a loose schedule. I don't know if Ill be able to hold myself to it because I've stayed at home for over 3 years and I still haven't done it.
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