Hi you amazing, strong, brave women. My question is, how did you find your adoptive parents? Agency, Attorney, an Ad you saw somewhere.
We're not with an agency, we're just using an attorney and networking on our own. I'm wondering if birth moms might be more likely to use an agency.
Would love to hear from you. Thank you!
Re: Question for Birthmoms who have placed
I started with an agency. I liked the agency initially. They seemed very supportive. I had picked ou a potential adoptive family. Once I picked the family, my adoption couneslor encouraged me to accept gifts from them and consider letting them pay my health insurance. I grew reluctant but didn't quite know why. After I let the potential adoptive mom come to my ultrsound with me, she called me by the wrong name, twice. It really rubbed me the wrong way that she could not get my name right. It's not a complicated name either. I just began to wonder way too much, if she can't get my name right, how can I trust her to send me pics and letters?
That was the straw that broke the camels back. That's when I decided (one the hardest decisions ever) to not place my daughter for adoption to someone I didn't know. That's when I agreed to let my aunt and uncle adopt. I felt horrible about breaking the famlies hearts, but I didn't want to regret my decision. I realize now the agency wanted me to take the hand outs so that I would feel obligated and not change my mind.
We then went through a private attorney. He was great. He referred me to a great therapist. I legally had to see her three times, but I didn't mind. She helped me a great deal with my grief. I enjoyed the attorney route better, but that's just because it worked for our situation.
Hope this helps a little!