
How much breastmilk...

Is there a certain amount of breastmilk that is needed in order to get the benefits from it?  I thought I saw someone post that 50/50 is needed, but now I can't find the discussion.

I have been pumping for almost 9 months now for my 26 weekers and my supply has really tanked recently.  Each baby only gets about one bottle of pumped milk every day (6-8 ounces), which is only about 1/5th of what they eat each day.

I am thinking about starting to wean but would probably stick it out if I knew that the one bottle per day was really beneficial.  I am renting a Symphony too so I guess it would be nice to return that if I decide to stop.

 Any input would be appreciated.  Thanks!

Re: How much breastmilk...

  • I don't know...I've never heard a certain amount.  I would think there is so much good stuff in BM that any amount would be beneficial.  But I also think 9 months is a long time to pump.  You should be proud you have made it this long and I would think they are probably getting enough food at this point that you could wean.
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  • I also wanted to say good job on 9 months.  I am struggling to keep up with work, pumping and their 70 oz per day demand.  I am not sure if I can do it much longer.


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  • Aww thanks for the kudos.  It's been a major pain in the a$$ but I am glad I've done it so long.  I think I've definitely decided to start weaning now, so I guess that's that.  Thanks for the responses!
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