Eco-Friendly Family

car seat cover

I wonder if anyone has suggestions for a car seat cover. I'm worried about the (assumed) flame retardants on our car seat and would like to get a cover. I know there are several that have been crash tested and are FMVSS approved, but I can't find the materials used in them, and can't find any organic ones.

I like this (but i don't know what chemicals are in it):

I also think I might need an infant/newborn head support, which brings up the same questions.

Any thoughts? What have you decided on?


This is the tavel system we're going with, if it matters:

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Re: car seat cover

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    the bundle me is absolutely 100% not safe. Neither are the head supports. 

    The only thing that should go in your car seat (aside from the baby) came in the box with your seat.

    If you need a cover for cold weather, look for something that ONLY goes over the top, like a shower cap. JJ Cole does make one now, there are also quite a few other brands.

    and no cover is FMVSS approved, technically. It's not possible. The standards are for car seats and car seats only. There is no approved test for after market products.

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    the bundle me is absolutely 100% not safe. Neither are the head supports. 

    The only thing that should go in your car seat (aside from the baby) came in the box with your seat.

    If you need a cover for cold weather, look for something that ONLY goes over the top, like a shower cap. JJ Cole does make one now, there are also quite a few other brands.

    and no cover is FMVSS approved, technically. It's not possible. The standards are for car seats and car seats only. There is no approved test for after market products.

    Agreed. If you're concerned that the carseat you have and the chemicals used in it either wash the cover that came with the car seat or buy a new car seat. I hate Bundle Me's. They're totally NOT safe and not approved.

    Did you know if you got into an accident with baby and were using that Bundle Me you linked to your insurance could deny all your babies claims because you weren't properly using her car seat? Cause they totally can.

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    Ditto PPs. Also, in case you're still looking for a seat, you might check out those made by Orbit. They're made of Oeko-Tex certified materials and seem to be the closest to nontoxic as you can get (I'm not sure about how well they hold up to other seats in crash tests, though).
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