Eco-Friendly Family

Alternate to Freezer Bags

I like to stock up on fresh chicken, for example, when it is on sale. However, I am trying to cut out items such as plactic freezer bags, etc. I have successfully stopped buying paper towels, paper napkins and have not looked back.

I still buy ziploc bags but only use them on rare occasion for convenience because I just try to use my tupperware-like containers most of the time.  I would love to find a great alternative to freezer bags for freezing meats and food. Any ideas?

Our first baby girl, Lucia Joy, joined us on April 1, 2010!

Re: Alternate to Freezer Bags

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    I finally bit the bullet and bought a couple sets of pyrex glass containers. After reading about leaching even in plastics in the freezer, I'd decided I'd had enough :P
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers
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    Yeah, the only plastic I use in the freezer is the bags because of that. I may have to look into the pyrex products you mention. Tx!
    Our first baby girl, Lucia Joy, joined us on April 1, 2010!
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    I haven't tried these yet, but I registered for a bunch of jelly jars for baby food/breast milk. they can go from freezer to hot water for defrosting.

    They come in all kinds of sizes and are more economical than pyrex, if they work for the baby food I'll try other sizes for bigger things.

    I'm not sure if they are airtight, but I don't think my pyrex is. I haven't used the pyrex in the freezer yet.

    Lilypie Maternity tickers
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