Houston Babies

weird question about speech...

Ok, so is it weird to be freaked out about your child's speech being really advanced?  Like, crazy advanced.  

She said  hi daddy at 11 months and learned to say yes/no when she wanted/didn't want something.  I thought that was odd that early, but I've laughed it off. 

DD is 13 months today and she has lots of single words, but she keeps busting out with word combinations.  Some examples:

you want some? (offering food to DD a few minutes ago)

here you go (giving food to the dogs last night, she said it multiple times)

why you take it? (when I covered up after nursing)

It's kinda freaking me out to hear her speaking in sentences.  DD#1 started at 15 months with word combos, but I think it was a month or two after that before she started speaking in sentences.  Any other moms have a kid with REALLY early speech?  It's so weird to have her talking like that, but she calls Elmo "Da-do."



Re: weird question about speech...

  • I think a lot of it has to do with having an older sibling to imitate. One of my good friends' daughter is 23 months and I could literally sit down and have an adult conversation with her, it is so hysterical. She has a chatterbox of a sister that is 2 years older and I think little sister learned to talk early just to keep up.
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  • That is amazing! It would freak me out too, but just because my other son was slow to talk. I wouldn't actually be worried about anything - it sounds fun to me because I love seeing what kids are actually thinking!
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  • Cooper was a pretty early talker but not like that!  LOL  He's also hard to understand sometimes, so I think other people don't always realize how much he is saying.  He does know about half of the letters and is obsessed with books/reading/writing--to a point that it's kind of weird.  I'm not complaining, it's good, but still weird.  haha   He loves to shout them out whenever he sees letters he knows.  It kind of freaks me out when I'm driving and his little voice is shouting "C! V! S!" 
    My big boy is bounding towards 4! Baby brother coming in October!
    Hipster dog is not impressed.
  • imageSuzi-G-:
     It kind of freaks me out when I'm driving and his little voice is shouting "C! V! S!" 

    haha! The joke in our house is "CVS! Where's walgreens" or "There's walgreens! Where's CVS!" 

  • Okay, that is so very cool!!  I get you, I would be kind of freaked out too....lol.  But oh my goodness, I bet you will be having full conversations with her by the time she is 18 months. What an exciting experience.  Maybe she'll be a future Doogie Howser Huh?.
    image Oh Joy to the World!!
  • I don't know how common it is, but I said my first words somewhere in the 6-8 month range, and was speaking full sentences by my first birthday.  As TxSmith mentioned, I had an older (by 9 years) brother, so having an older sibling to emulate may be part of it.
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  • I think it is very individual.

    My husband, an only child, spoke early in spooky complete thoughts with larger words than one would expect, according to my mother-in-law. While I think he's a superstar, he's just an average person...

    My first son had better early speech - more words. My second's speech took off slower and then blossomed quickly into well-formed ideas. It seems there are different ways of going about acquiring the skill.

    It is so great you're getting to enjoy it. Get some video while you can! You can entertain family and dates for years. :) 

  • That is so great!  DD had a friend who was like that at her daycare.  When she moved into the 18 month room this little girl just started chatting with her like crazy.  Not baby sounding talk either, just like a little girl talking which was SO weird coming from a little baby!  Her Mom was the same way, she said it's great that she can communicate with us, but it freaks us out a little bit that this little baby can talk like that.
    Abbie Rose 9.26.2004
    Collin Thayne 10.11.2010
  • Lila has crazy speach.  She had over 200 words before she turned 1 and was already streaming them together.  Now at just over two she and Luca have about the same verbal skills.  Yesterday she said..  "Mommy, I want some more grapes.  They are delicious"....  It's actually nice to know what she wants..  However, the back talk is a different story.  She demands things are a certain way "purple cup with blue lid and a straw", "I want crackers on a plate (when I put them in a cup)"...
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