Ok, so is it weird to be freaked out about your child's speech being really advanced? Like, crazy advanced.
She said hi daddy at 11 months and learned to say yes/no when she wanted/didn't want something. I thought that was odd that early, but I've laughed it off.
DD is 13 months today and she has lots of single words, but she keeps busting out with word combinations. Some examples:
you want some? (offering food to DD a few minutes ago)
here you go (giving food to the dogs last night, she said it multiple times)
why you take it? (when I covered up after nursing)
It's kinda freaking me out to hear her speaking in sentences. DD#1 started at 15 months with word combos, but I think it was a month or two after that before she started speaking in sentences. Any other moms have a kid with REALLY early speech? It's so weird to have her talking like that, but she calls Elmo "Da-do."
Re: weird question about speech...
haha! The joke in our house is "CVS! Where's walgreens" or "There's walgreens! Where's CVS!"
I think it is very individual.
My husband, an only child, spoke early in spooky complete thoughts with larger words than one would expect, according to my mother-in-law. While I think he's a superstar, he's just an average person...
My first son had better early speech - more words. My second's speech took off slower and then blossomed quickly into well-formed ideas. It seems there are different ways of going about acquiring the skill.
It is so great you're getting to enjoy it. Get some video while you can! You can entertain family and dates for years.
Collin Thayne 10.11.2010