
In the kitchen sink?

When the girls came home from the NICU, we got an infant-to-toddler tub and bathed them just like the nurses had taught us ... (1) in a football hold, scrub her head,(2) then wash her face, (3) put her in the tub (which was in the kitchen sink), (4) diaper off and full body soak down.  We use the sprayer from the kitchen sink to wet and rinse the girls.

Well, a few weeks ago (right around 4 months old) I decided that the girls were too heavy for this method.  (I am petite.)  I mentioned it to my mother and being her very-eager-to-help self, she bought foam mats for the bathtub so that they could 'graduate' to the bathtub.   Very thoughtful ... but ugh.  Because they can't yet sit up, it is very uncomfortable leaning over the side of the tub.  Also, it still doesn't solve my biggest complaint ... the fact that I have to bathe them one at a time. 

I can't wait until they can sit up so that I can use some sort of bath chair.  In the meantime, I am looking for ideas on how to make our kitchen sink baths simpler.  Your advice is appreciated!

*Siggy warning - loss mentioned*
Preemie ID DDs; then DS; then natural M/C; now due 10/17
High risk for pre-term: weekly Makena injections

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