Hi ladies!
I'm so excited about LO's first birthday party... I think the planning has helped me get over the fact that he's about to turn ONE... ahh! :-)
I'm wondering if I should bother with games or not. We are having his party at a park/playground beside our house so there will be swings, a toddler size play area there. I wouldn't mind doing a couple small games but I'm stumped as for what to do.
Bonus Q, what is a good gift for a 1 and 2 y/o? We have a few parties to attend in the next month and a half.
TIA :-)
Re: First birthday party, games?
Yay, happy birthday! Party planning is so fun and festive!
We had kids of all ages, so we had some basic yard games: tug-of-war, potato sack racing, and the egg-on-the-spoon race. We also had a pin the tail on the donkey game, bowling, balls to kick around, and a sprinkler thing which sprayed water for the kids to run through -- those were good for the little ones, too. There was also a pool we used, but depending on the weather, you could set out a mini pool for water play or do water balloons.
I love Hawaii!
Tara & Ian . 4/24/2008 . The Kahala Planning . Married
I'm no help to you, we just had a play date for the friend portion of Elyse's birthday and all the kids were her age so they just kind of wandered around, stole toys from each other and fell over.
Having the party at the park might just be entertainment enough?
Happy planning!!!
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We had Libby's at a Kindermusik studio...some "games" you could replicate are things like hokey pokey, if you're happy and you know it, etc.
As for gifts for the 1-2 year old set...I always suggest the B. Parum Pum Pum Drum (for around $20 you get 8 musical instruments for them to play with...) and books.
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I love Hawaii!
Tara & Ian . 4/24/2008 . The Kahala Planning . Married