Last night Ava woke up screaming about 30 minutes after going down. By the time I got to her she had major tears. I calmed her down and asked her what was wrong. She said she was scared. I asked her of what and she said a giant. I guess she was dreaming of a giant. I told her there is no such thing as giants and daddy, JJ, Dexter and I wouldn't let anything to her. She calmed down and the dogs came in to her room. We laid on the floor together and they laid around us. I thought it was very sweet. She feel back asleep and slept all night. Do you think she is dreaming? If so, how do you handle it. There is an episode of Little Einsteins (her favorite show) where the art is giant shadow puppets. I hate that she was scared!
Re: Dreams?
We went through this with Alec right around the same time. We actually had to start eliminating some TV shows that were scaring him (in particular--Noddy on sprout which is now off the air).
Just a warning, it can become a repeat thing too. Alec will go through spurts of being scared and sometimes it lasts a few nights. We usually talk about what is scaring him and try to address it. Tree shadows are an ongoing frightening thing for us.
Abigail Taylor 09.18.2008