My son was born three years ago via c/s. My water broke at 5:45pm on Saturday night literally right before taking Castor Oil (yuck, I know, but I was hormonal (sp), desperate, and tired of having sex). Once we arrived at the hospital, I was started on Pitocin bc I wasn't contracting, but was 100% efaced and 2-3 cm dialated. My son's heart rate was bouncing all over the place and dropping very low each time I contracted. I was given an epideral around 11pm even though I didn't need one at the time. Midwife wanted to go ahead and give me one because she was going to put internal monitoring on my son bc of his heart rate, and she stated it would be easier to do that if I had my epideral. Long story short,my blood pressure bottomed out from the epideral, his heart rate kept dropping, nurses spent a good four hours turning me from side to side, which caused epideral to fall out,I experienced hard labor for two hours (going from not feeling one contraction to feeling full blown ones was quite the experience), I was on oxygen, had a second epideral, and waited it out until about 5:30 am. At that time, OB came in and explained that the situation with my son's heart rate was becoming a serious problem. She said that since I wasn't past 5cm at that point, if I didn't agree to a c/s, she was probably going to have to do an emergency one in an hour. Not wanting an emergency one, my hubby and I agreed to a c/s. I know it sounds like she was harsh, but she really wasn't. She explained the entire situation fully.
During the c/s, the doctor pulled my son halfway out and then had to push him back in bc the cord was wrapped tightly around his neck five times (hence the low heart rate drops and no progress). It was during this that my uterus ripped on its own vertically down to my cervix, giving me a t shaped cut in my uterus (hortizonal from OB, vertical from tear). One of the nurses in my c/s said she had never seen the cord wrapped that around that much and that tightly.
Going into this, I figured things would not be as perfect as I imagined. I am so thankful I had the nurses, midwives, and doctors I had because I don't know if my son would be there if it was not for them. It was a scary experience, but I would do it all again! Thanks for reading.
Re: Not What I Expected!