
I'd forgotten how much I hate...

Weaning kids off pacis and CIO. Ugh. Someone remind me to be strong and this only a few rough days. And we can't totally let him CIO bc my niece is here and the guest room is right next to DS's room. DS was in our bed from 2am on and kept wanting to come down for breakfast. He is a great sleeper normally. I'm just so glad this is my last time having to go through this. I'm getting too old to function on 2 hours sleep (and 4 hours dozing).

Re: I'd forgotten how much I hate...

  • I don't know how you do it! I tried to wean DD from the paci, but it was her lovey. I decided to let her wean herself and it worked, thank goodness.


  • UG. Yuck.

    What made you decide to wean from the paci this weekend?



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  • He starts preschool (MDO) in three weeks and I really wanted it well gone by then. We were planning to take them away as soon as we got home from our long trip a month ago, but then we had the ILs visit and the ac troubles and my niece was supposed to be leaving today... There's always a reason to delay it but it's past the time when we took it away from the girls and I really didn't want to deal with it with MDO.
  • I'm going to pretend I didn't read this and that I will never have to wean DD2 from the paci. That sounds awful. DD2 barely sleeps as it is. If she ever starts sleeping well for me, she can keep that paci forever.
    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
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