Did anyone here have a low supply breastfeeding with their first child, and then no problem w/ the 2nd?
I had a low supply w/ DD, the lactation consultant took one look at her and said she was sucking on her tongue, probably in the womb also, and so she wasn't relying on me as much to feed. thus, my supply was low and nothing ever helped it get back up, not tea, reglan medication, etc.I breastfed for 4 months, but supplemented w/ formula the whole time.
I'm just wondering who has been successful the second time around? I'd love to hear something encouraging...
Re: XP: Successful Breastfeeding 2nd time around?
pPROM at 27 weeks, Birdy born at 28 weeks at 2lb 7oz.
I am so glad to see this post! I was going to ask the same thing. I had issues w/DD, I had prior breast surgery and very low supply, both my doc and LC said I would prob always have to supplement. So after about 3-4 weeks of trying, tears, and lots of frustration I ended up FF.
I would like to still try 2nd time around, but of course I automatically feel like I probably won't be successful again. I'm not sure if that idea makes me want to try harder or to give up earlier and not get so stressed over it.
I am so glad to see this post! I was going to ask the same thing. I had issues w/DD, I had prior breast surgery and very low supply, both my doc and LC said I would prob always have to supplement. So after about 3-4 weeks of trying, tears, and lots of frustration I ended up FF.
I would like to still try 2nd time around, but of course I automatically feel like I probably won't be successful again. I'm not sure if that idea makes me want to try harder or to give up earlier and not get so stressed over it.
I had DD1 prior to breast surgery and no issues....4 years ago I had breast surgery and had low milk supply issues w/DS2 (w/natural supplements, SNS, domperidone, you name it!)...so come DC3 I at least know to expect issues and not stress as much or try harder...who knows what I will do. I don't think I will give up...but I think I won't be as devastated bc I will be prepared.
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