
Traveling between 23-24 weeks?

I guess it will just really depend on how things are maybe this is really an impossible question to answer.

We planned a trip over a year ago to visit DH's family who live really far away, so we will be is about a 4 hour flight.  

I made sure when we booked the tickets to get the trip insurances, just in case, since I know that is really borderline as far as whether I will be cleared to travel or not.

Any thoughts?  Think this is a bad idea or maybe possible?  Anyone take a flight during that time? 


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Re: Traveling between 23-24 weeks?

  • I flew about 2 hours at 15 weeks by myself and again at 26 weeks with my husband. My doctor didn't want me traveling past 28 wks but was otherwise fine with it. The risk isn't really flying (the change in cabin pressure etc.) it's dehydration, sitting for long periods of time and standing in long lines etc. If you have issues with dizziness I would grab a wheelchair at the airport entrance just to make things easy. Other than that you have to consider how you would feel if something were to happen while you were away (pre-term labor, being stuck in a hospital 4 hours from home/your husband, your babies possibly being born there etc etc.) I was willing to take the chance because my cervix per u/s was long and closed and everything looked great. Plus, my trip was short- 3 days. If it had been a much longer trip I may have reconsidered the length but I still would have gone. GL to you!
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  • Yes, I forgot to add it is a fairly short trip:  Tuesday morning through Saturday morning.  So not even a week.

    I'm planning to try and schedule some MD appointments right beforehand so I am checked out and can get cleared!  I'm hoping one might even be the day before, just to give myself peace of mind. 

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  • My MFM told me not to plan on traveling more than an hour or so away from home starting at 20 weeks. He was super cautious though, and I had already had many issues including bleeding episodes and low blood sugar. I am glad in retrospect that I listened since I was hospitalized for PTL from about 22w to 29w. As you said, it will really just depend on how things are going. Hope your pregnancy is as uneventful as can be, and that you get to take your trip!
    After 20 months TTC with PCOS, we were blessed with twins!
    They arrived at 36 weeks after PTL and bedrest for 14 weeks. Lilypie Third Birthday tickers image
  • I also wouldn't either. There's a MoM on the high-rest bump board who had her twins in Maine while on a trip from Massachusetts. Now, they're all stuck up there until the babies are safe to transport.
  • I think it's iffy.  That's about the time the I was admitted to the hospital.  Chances are that you will be fine.  Travel insurance and having an appointment right before you go are good plans.
  • I personally wouldn't go. I've had many bumps along the road and things can change quickly. Good luck with your decision.
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    Josiah James

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  • My doctor told us to get all of our travel "out of the way" before 20 weeks...I personally wouldn't do it.  I'd be a nervous wreck, and sitting in an airplane seat that long sounds awful

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    Married 7/11/09 TTC #1 Since 05/10
    BFP #1 09/20/10 Natural m/c 10/05/10
    BFP! #2 04/21/11... Beta 16 DPO: 437, 18 DPO:1446 Ultrasound 6w6d TWINS!
    Annabel & Sophia Born 11/28/11 at 34w6d
    BFP #3 10/4/16... Beta 13 DPO: 145, 15 DPO: 367 12/1/16 It's a GIRL!

  • Both MFMs in my high risk clinic and my OB cleared me to travel until 24 weeks. I had a 2 hour flight to my baby shower at 23 weeks. I didn't have any complications prior to the trip and MFM saw me the day before my trip to make sure my cervix was closed. Everything went really well.

    Like pp said, the main risks are dehydration and blood clots so make sure you drink a lot of water and move around a lot. I also kept my feet up as much as I could, even at the airport while waiting for our flight. I think it's too early to commit to an answer right now, but see how you're doing closer to the trip. I personally would do it if you're cleared the day before you leave and haven't had any other complications.

  • I would not. Too many things seem to suddenly happen to MoMs around that time, and then you'd be stuck hours away from your OB in an unfamiliar hospital.
  • I don't have much of a choice. My husband is getting out of the military right before the girls are born, so we're moving 2000 miles across the country to be back "home". I have a flight booked for this coming Friday (I'll be 27 weeks this coming Saturday, and I can't fly past 28 weeks). The flight will be 4.5-5 hours-ish if all goes as planned.

    It will be nice and extremely stressful with our 3 giant suitcases, 2 carry-on bags, and 2 kitties flying in cabin with us. Thank god H will be with me to help.

    I'm hoping if I wear my compression socks, bring snacks, drink tons of water, and walk around as much as possible, I won't die lol.

    Now I just hope my doctor's appt. goes well tomorrow and I get the OK to fly.


    ETA: Luckily I don't need to worry about delivering away from my doctor/home since I'll be traveling to my new doctors/home. Unfortunately H will only be with me until Sunday, then he has to come back and finish up his contract in the military (til October), so there's a chance he may miss the girls' birth if they're born before 34 weeks 2 days.

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  • I flew to NYC at 24 weeks.  My doctor gave me the go ahead the day before the flight.  I took it easy, but had an amazing time.  
  • Talk to your doctor and make a decision as close to the trip as possible based on your own condition.  I was lucky enough to have a pregnancy with no complications, and flew 3.5 hrs for a 3 day trip at 30 weeks (my doctor's firm cutoff was 31 weeks).   But I didn't book my ticket until 2 weeks before the trip, would have canceled if anything seemed even slightly wrong, and took a copy of all my medical records with me just in case.  The only noticeable effect of the flight was that my ankles were more swollen than usual for a few days afterwards.
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