Eco-Friendly Family

lunch boxes/food storage bags?

Rowen's lunchbox is made out of plastic, the soft kind. I wonder if it has BPA in it? Does anyone know if the metal lunch boxes are safer?

Also, any good idea to buy something to store his sandwiches and snacks in? I don't want to use baggies. Something environ friendly and safe for food.???

Rowen Alexander born 10 weeks early 1/28/07

Re: lunch boxes/food storage bags?

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    I just bought DD a lunchbox.  It's totally not EF, so I bought some LunchBots Steel containers to put her food in.  I got them on amazon last night and they are included in their 4 for 3 promo.
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    You can find tutorials online for making your own fabric sandwich baggies.  We use fabric for our snacks and it works out great.
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    I just bought those Bento Laptop Lunch box kits. (One for me and V and one for DH for his lunch at work.)

    They were half price at the grocery store. I have been following the Vegetarian Lunchbox blog for awhile and the woman who makes the lunches uses these. Not only do they make the lunch look pretty but everything is organized and very EF. :)

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    Planetwise makes fabric snack and sandwich baggies. They are lined with something waterproof and they velcro shut. They are a bit pricey but they work well.
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