Dilating 1st vs 2nd pregnancy

Did anyone dilate really good with 1st baby, and not so with 2nd?

I know I am ahead of myself, but I am worried about whether or not my body will go into labor, since I will not be able to be induced.

Re: Dilating 1st vs 2nd pregnancy

  • Given the appropriate time, your body will go into labor on it's own.  The modern world of medicine places a lot of subjective limits on pregnancy, and will often tell you you won't be allowed to go past 40 or 41 weeks.  Personally I will never go with a doctor/midwife that won't let me go until 42.  Believe in and trust your body!  Your amazing body knows exactly what is best for it.
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  • Once in labor, I dilated much faster with my second.  I had dilated to 3 cm for weeks before I had both of them though.
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  • My BFF was induced with her 1st and 2nd child and with her 3rd she went into labor on her own, she needed no inducing! 
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