
Anyone's 6 yo still pee the bed?

T still wears pull ups to bed. He insists on it. I haven't pushed the issue because I didn't think it was a big deal. Lately, he has started peeing the bed. We do limit his fluids and he used to wake if he needed to go, but lately he justs seems to be sleeping much more soundly. Last week he peed the bed 5x.

We use a store brand overnight pull-up (wasn't a problem before because he would wake dry), but now I am thinking of buying a name brand. Is it normal for a 6 yo to still pee the bed? Is it time to mention this to the pedi.? And what brand of night time pull is best for an older child? 

Re: Anyone's 6 yo still pee the bed?

  • Halee doesn't but I knew someone whose son did and she took him to the pedi and he was fine.  The mom made him wear real undies and made him clean his own mess then all of the sudden it just stopped.  I would talk to the pedi and make sure all is well with him then maybe some tough love.
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  • I can't answer the age question because it's my 4.5 yr old that still wears "night pants" as we call them.   I plan to ask my pedi about it at his 5 yr appointment if he is not dry by then.  He has been potty trained since 2, so I was hoping he would be night trained by now, but he sleeps like a rock and has no urge to get up and go.  We tried it with nothing for a week and he peed the bed every night-I got sick of changing the sheets.  I found that 5T Pull Ups started to leak through, so we have started getting UnderJam type things for him.  I have used the name brand and store brands like Target and Walgreens with no difference.  Good luck!
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  • imagekevschickee2:
    Halee doesn't but I knew someone whose son did and she took him to the pedi and he was fine.  The mom made him wear real undies and made him clean his own mess then all of the sudden it just stopped.  I would talk to the pedi and make sure all is well with him then maybe some tough love.
    That's what Ferber recommends. Personally, I'm fine with DD still wearing a pull up, and it doesn't bother her. (She's 5 years and has been potty trained since 2.5 years.) With your DS I'd be more concerned that he was waking up dry and suddenly seems to be regressing. I'd probably talk to the pedi and rule out any medical problem.
    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
  • My daughter started doing that when she was around 6.  After several weeks of this, I made an appointment with the pediatrician.  After doing a urine test and ruling out an infection, her pediatrician thought it was more of a sleep issue.  My daughter is a very deep sleeper and will sleep through anything!  When she was in kindergarten, she wet her napper a couple of times.  She still wets the bed, but only once every few months or so. It has definitely improved with time on its own. Maybe your child is a deep sleeper too. 
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  • My 5.5 year old niece does. SIL is a pedi and wasn't worried until around 5. Now they're using an alarm that's supposed to wake her up if she starts peeing and has been for 6 months, but neither the being wet nor the sound of the alarm wakes niece up. She has niece help change the sheets and has done all the "tough love" stuff to no avail. There's no physical problem per se, her body just doesn't wake her up if she has to pee, so for now they're continuing with pull ups and hoping eventually it'll click with her. I don't think this is an uncommon problem, although it can't help to discuss it with her pedi.
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  • My 5 year old has spurts of it.  Often, it happens when he's not getting enough sleep and/or when he's getting sick, like coming down with a cold or something.  We have him sleep in underwear always, and when I see it starting again I just wake him to pee before I go to bed and that usually keeps him dry all night. 
    Jenni ~~Alex & Avery ~~ 6/13/06~~Adam ~~3/26/08

  • Yes, DS still wears a pull up to bed nightly, he is over 8. We have tried several times for extended periods (1 week) the underwear at night no sucess.   I mentioned it at his appt in July, his pedi wasn't concerned at all.  The Dr. said some kids can't do it until 10. 
    Cheryl, Evan 4.25.05, Paige 7.2.07
  • My DD does. We're not sure if hers is trauma related because of everything she's been through. However, I received a pamphlet from my pediatrician that said bed wetting in older children can be genetic.

    If one parent wet the bed as a child, the son/daughter has a 40% of doing it. If both parents did, then it goes up to a 60% chance. Her father and I both wet the bed as kids, so it seems like it could be genetic. My DS does not. My pedi said it can last until they're eight or nine.

  • My pedi told me that they really don't start getting concerned unless the child is close to 10.  Now, obviously there are some social issues that can come along with bedwetting at that age, but physically, it's not "abnormal" for it to be happening.  I actually peed the bed until I was at least 7 & my DH was around 11- he actually had to go on some medication to stop.  Our oldest was dry at night by 3.5.  Our youngest is 4 and still pees in a pull-up pretty much every night, so maybe she will be the one with that going on.  I hope not, but still, given what our pedi told me I'm not going to worry about it for some time to come. 

    I do try to get in & take her pee around 1-2 hours after she falls asleep & sometimes when I do that, she'll stay dry.  We keep a little potty in her room and I've been reminding her that if she wakes up in the night, to try to go pee.  Sometimes lately is that she'll wake in the nght due to a wet pullup, go pee in the potty, put a dry pullup on & she's dry in the morning.  I think it's a good thing that she's feeling the wetness & it's waking her up.

  • imagekevschickee2:
    Halee doesn't but I knew someone whose son did and she took him to the pedi and he was fine.  The mom made him wear real undies and made him clean his own mess then all of the sudden it just stopped.  I would talk to the pedi and make sure all is well with him then maybe some tough love.

    Don't know that I agree at all with making them clean up their mess! Kids don't do this on purpose (for the most part) especially not at that age. This sounds like a punishment. 

    DD1 was just about 7 before her bladder was mature enough to hold it overnight. She was PT'd at 2 1/2.   She is also a VERY heavy sleeper, which makes a difference.  Now, DD2 was staying dry overnight by 4 1/2 but she is a very light sleeper and would easily wake up to go potty. 

     Kids' bladders mature at different rates.  It's very normal for a child to be daytime PT'd but not stay dry overnight...for some until around age 8 or later.  It will happen though.  I would personally not turn it into something to punish them over or make them feel ashamed of.  I know our DD1 would have given ANYTHING to stay dry overnight sooner than she did. It was very, very embarrasing for her :(


    GL!  It WILL eventually be just a memory!

    SAHM to 2 boys (3 & 16 yrs) & 2 girls (5 & 8 yrs)

    Our Angel Boy- m/c in 2007 @ 9wks due to Trisomy 17
  • DS1 is 5.5 and nowhere near being able to hold it all night.  He's not delayed in any other way, and his ped isn't concerned.  We use the Goodnights, and he still sometimes leaks out of them.  He's been daytime trained since he was 2.5.  DS3 is 2 and not quite daytime trained, but he frequently stays dry all night-- something that DS1 has never done.
  • How is it a punishment?  He made the mess he should clean it up.  My girls clean their own toy room by themselves.  They clean it the way it should be because they made the mess not me so I see no difference
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  • imagekevschickee2:
    How is it a punishment?  He made the mess he should clean it up.  My girls clean their own toy room by themselves.  They clean it the way it should be because they made the mess not me so I see no difference
    You see no difference between them cleaning up the mess they made playing and a mess made by accident that the child may have no control over?
    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
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