Eco-Friendly Family

help please! baptism jewelry

H's grandma always gets the great granddaughters jewelry for their baptism. We're supposed to buy it and she'll pay us for it. His mom will get her a cross necklace. I'm thinking a bracelet would be cute since her ears aren't pierced and we don't plan to do that.

I need some suggestions. I've looked on etsy and have googled and found a few things I kind of like, but is there anything else that I'm not thinking of? I can't think of anything other than a bracelet. I'm sure she'd go for anything we wanted for her, even if it wasn't jewelry, but I know she'd want it to be kind of special since her faith is very important to her. 

Just for "context" (I guess you could say) we're going to look for a dress that matches the shoes that a nestie on my local board made and the rosette that another local nestie made to match the shoes. H really loves the shoes and he wants her to wear them. (so adorable) We're not going out with the intention of getting a big, white, traditional baptismal gown. If I had thought about it a long time ago I could've had a dress made out of my wedding dress but I didn't think about it. 

I'm excited to get her some baby jewelry but I just need some help I think. You always have good ideas. I'm thinking she probably goes the $20 - ish range.

Thank you!!! 
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Re: help please! baptism jewelry

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    Someone gave my daughter a beautiful monogrammed bracelet when she was a baby.  It's a really simple silver bracelet with her initials on it.  Something like that could be nice.
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