I started feeling contractions (at about 13w) which I'm assuming are Braxton Hicks contractions. They're definitely irregular (I don't even necessarily feel them everyday) and I've had no spotting. I have a dr's appt on Monday, so I'll probably bring it up with him then just to let him know. But everything I've been reading says that you typically start feeling them about 20w...if you even feel them at all.
So I guess my question is, did you feel Braxton Hicks contractions? And if so, when did you start feeling them? I didn't know if MoMs started feeling them earlier.
Re: Braxton Hicks?
"I have four children. Two are adopted. I forget which two. -Bob Constantine
"All for Love,' a Saviour prayed 'Abba Father have Your way. Though they know not what they do...Let the Cross draw men to You...."
I felt them very early as well -12ish weeks I think? The doctors didn't seem to care, but did tell me it was more common for multiples since your uterus is growing faster. They very slowly increased in intensity/frequency. By the time I was 24 weeks, I was getting them 15-20 times a day. By 26 weeks I'd have days where I'd get 4-5 an hour and have to stop and lay down and drink water.
Peanut Butter and Jelly!
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My Dr. also said that you will get more BH and have them more often with multiples. I ended up having to go to the hospital at 27 1/2 wks. after getting 7 in an hr (outside of office hrs.) and they kept me overnight because after giving me fluids, they didn't stop. I ended up being put on Procardia to "stop" them, even though it has just slowed them. The nurse said that I will get them more when I have to pee - so try going to the bathroom, drinking lots of fluids and laying on your left side. Those were the tips I was given. HTH!
Thanks!! This is usually what I try to do when I get them. I think laying on my left side is the most consistent thing that works for me. Unfortunately, it's hard to do that during work
....so I just try to drink some water and prop up my feet for a few minutes! I still have quite a while to go, so each one that I feel, I just try to stop and relax. Gotta keep those little ones in there a lot longer!!