Eco-Friendly Family

XP: Diva cup/ menstrual cup?

I asked on 24+ and was referred here --Any thoughts on using the diva or other menstrual cups? I've seen great reviews on here before but never paid attention. TMI alert- I was recently diagnosed with BV and have probably had it on and off for years (it may have even caused me to pPROM with DD) and I read that pads and especially tampons can alter the natural environment and lead to BV reoccurring so I'd like to try something else. I'm not squeamish at all. Thanks!

Re: XP: Diva cup/ menstrual cup?

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    Love my Diva. It seriously changed my life, haha. I won't lie-there's a big learning curve, but once you "get it", it's pretty amazing. My doc said it may be better for yeast problems as well since it's non-absorbent and won't change the pH of the vagina. Be sure and get the size 2, and don't bother with the special wash stuff. I got mine from Amazon for cheap- like $17.
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    I'm going to try the Moon Cup once AF returns. I've heard great reviews for that one and they sell it at my local pharmacy. 
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    I'm going to try the Moon Cup once AF returns. I've heard great reviews for that one and they sell it at my local pharmacy. 


    I thought the moon cup was the one from England that was SUPER hard to get??? OMG after this pregnancy and AF returns I may be asking you to get one for me and mail it! LOL  

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    I picked one up from amazon and I'm in PA too, so you should be able to get one. They rebranded them so they could be marketed in the us.
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    I really love my diva cup. I got one about 6 years ago when I was in college and had 3 days a week when I had classes back to back, all day long with no time in between. I didn't have to worry about getting to a bathroom before I needed a new tampon. I went when I could and I didn't have to worry. (tmi - i know, but really...)

    I love not having to buy tampons every month. It took me a bit to get used to it but I got it after a couple of days and I will never go back to tampons. It's just so much easier and I like that there are no chemicals. It just makes sense to me. 

    Good luck. I think you'll like it. 

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    I used my diva cup for about 6 months before I got KU again, and really liked it.  The learning curve is totally worth it!  Once it's in (correctly), I don't feel it at all, and I love being able to wear it all night.
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    I'm going to try the Moon Cup once AF returns. I've heard great reviews for that one and they sell it at my local pharmacy. 


    I thought the moon cup was the one from England that was SUPER hard to get??? OMG after this pregnancy and AF returns I may be asking you to get one for me and mail it! LOL  

    The Moon Cup that you can buy in the US is not the same as the Moon Cup UK.  They are different companies.  The Moon Cup UK was first, then The Keeper began using the name here in the US and registered it, thus The Moon Cup UK is hard as heck to get here in the US.  Because they took the name and made it impossible for the UK company to sell their product here, I won't buy a Moon Cup (US version). 

    I have a Diva Cup and really like it.  I did remove my stem, but not everyone wants to/needs to.  If it would be of any help, I just posted a very detailed/lengthy post on the blog about this.  It should be the newest post up.  Link in my sig. 

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    I have a Lunette cup. I found this comparison helpful.
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    Poonico - Ooh.. I didn't know that. I thought they were the same! Hmn..

    MeLuckyInLove - Thanks for that link!  

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    Poonico - Ooh.. I didn't know that. I thought they were the same! Hmn..

    MeLuckyInLove - Thanks for that link!  

    I thought they were the same too. Thanks!
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    I have a Lunette cup. I found this comparison helpful.

    That's one of the comparisons I used. I also used a chart that listed all the dimensions like this:

    I also chose the Lunette. I used The Keeper for 10 years first because it was the first one I ever heard of, and I liked it but started worrying about latex after all that time.

    - Jena
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    Thanks everyone! Awesome links/info- I ordered a Lunette cup and I am excited to get it.
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