Not at all. I was saying mention it because your pedi has probably seen it before in other patients and may have some suggestions for you to try to help him become less attached. More as information for you than there is something wrong with him, KWIM?
I am going to say from experience, that this kind of attachment is normal around this age. My son had to take his bear to school with him. Honestly, and I know this might sound harsh, but I just took it away for a couple of days and it helped a ton. The binky, I know it's hard but if you let it go much longer, it is going to be soooo freakin hard on him (not just you) when you finally do take it away. This is just coming from experience.
Ok, I get it. I was thinking maybe there was some type of attachment disorder or something. Since he's not talking, I always get these random thoughts of "could this be a sign of autism?"
eshaffer, honestly, I think this is totally normal. I think that the way to "knock it down" a bit is to start instituting some boundaries (as brutal as it is, the whining sucks!) and he'll pretty quickly start to understand that there are limits on where BB can go. DD has this Dora doll that she was obsessed with, and she wanted her in the tub, in her high chair etc. We just told her no... she freaked a couple of times, and then she accepted it.
I really don't think this is a sign of anything other than him being a toddler.
About him not talking, a really good friend of mine also has a toddler that is addicted to the binky and he didn't talk either. Now he is 2 1/2 and once she took it away, after about a month, he instantly started talking.
Re: So if you think I should mention it to the pedi...
Ok, I get it. I was thinking maybe there was some type of attachment disorder or something. Since he's not talking, I always get these random thoughts of "could this be a sign of autism?"
I know, I need to STOP!
Matthew James 1/11/07
eshaffer, honestly, I think this is totally normal. I think that the way to "knock it down" a bit is to start instituting some boundaries (as brutal as it is, the whining sucks!) and he'll pretty quickly start to understand that there are limits on where BB can go. DD has this Dora doll that she was obsessed with, and she wanted her in the tub, in her high chair etc. We just told her no... she freaked a couple of times, and then she accepted it.
I really don't think this is a sign of anything other than him being a toddler.
Ok girls, you talked me off the ledge.
Matthew James 1/11/07