Eco-Friendly Family

Trying to keep lo vegetarian?

I am trying to keep lo a vegetarian although I am not one myself. My dr was not much help and basically told me she needed meat. I'm sure I won't do it forever but for now I will like too. Ant suggestions on how to keep her diet from lacking nutrients? Thanks

Re: Trying to keep lo vegetarian?

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    *spam* See ya, sucker.
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    Lentils. I make sure I give my LO some lentils to help him get some good protein!
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    Our family is vegetarian, and DS eats mostly what we eat.  We eat a lot of beans, whole grains, tons of veggies & fruits, nuts and seeds.  DS also likes organic yogurt and cottage cheese and other dairy products.  I think the key is to offer a large variety of things, so they can choose what they need/want.  My DS is also still nursing 2-3 times a day, so he is still getting some nutrition that way as well.

    Maybe try to check out VegetarianTimes magazine or website, they have some great information on nutritional requirements and how to meet them.  I was checking out a book yesterday called Becoming Vegan (by Brenda Davis & Melina  Vesanto) that has a wealth of info on maintaining a healthy vegan/vegetarian diet for a variety of people (overweight, kids, pregnant women, athletes, etc.)

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    DD just turned 3 and has always been a vegetarian.  I have been for about 12 years.  It is entirely possible for your LO to remain a vegetarian if you so choose!  My DD is healthy and thriving.  She's always been around the 50% percentile and no pedi has ever questioned the fact that I raise her as a vegetarian.

    Off the top of my head, some of the things she gets to ensure she gets lots of nutrients: organic milk and yogurt, beans, wheat germ, flax, multivitamins, vegetarian "chicken" or "turkey" (she loves tofurky sandwiches), seed butters, nut butters, brown rice, whole oats, tofu, seitan....I could go on but as you see, there are lots of things out there to eat that give you a wholesome diet.  Good luck and good for you :)

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    All the ladies above had great advice about what to feed LO.  May I ask why LO is vegetarian when you aren't?  It would be a lot easier for you if only have to cook one meal once LO starts sharing family meals.  I am veg but my husband isn't.  My LO does eat meat mostly because I am lazy.  It is a lot easier when everyone in the hh eats the same way.
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    All the ladies above had great advice about what to feed LO.  May I ask why LO is vegetarian when you aren't?  It would be a lot easier for you if only have to cook one meal once LO starts sharing family meals.  I am veg but my husband isn't.  My LO does eat meat mostly because I am lazy.  It is a lot easier when everyone in the hh eats the same way.

    I was wondering the same thing.

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    There are many vegetarian options out there. It's more healthy to eat veget. than not. Everything is so processed nowadays and it just seems more health conscience to eat wholesome! Less processed. If you want to eat meat, go organic with meat & dairy, slowly introduce new things to LO, has lo had most things listed above before? I think its hard to introduce your LO to new things and expect them to love them so go slow! A friend of mine just gave me a book called Peas and Thank you. The mom is vegan but the kids & husband eat dairy (organic). It's a good cookbook for kid-friendly vegan meals. SHe's funny too.


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