Deciphering Op-Report

So, I picked up my c-section report today. I had my daughter 18 months ago and have been dealing with PTSD since her delivery. In thinking about future pregnancies, VBAC is the plan. Having a natural water birth was the plan with my daughter...obviously that didn't work out so well. I have struggled for a long time with her birth and was hoping the report would shed some light on things. However, I'm having a hard time deciphering the language. Any help would be appreciated.

I was told during my section and after that she was in a bad position (I pushed for 3 hours)--however after reading the report it says, "infant was in a left occipitanterior or nearly transverse position and wedged against the symphius pubis." I thought left occiput anterior was the best position to be in...and how can you be LOA and transverse? Also, my incision was closed with "running, locking #1 chromic." Is that good? Bad? Please help. Thanks.

Re: Deciphering Op-Report

  • https://www.spinningbabies.com/baby-positions/all-positions/sideways

    This might help your question about transverse.  It sounds like there are two ways that "transverse" is used.  Sometimes it describes transverse like you're thinking- head on one side of mama's belly, butt on the other.  Othertimes, it describes a position where baby is head down, but still facing to once side or the other.  

     And I think the wedged against the pubic bone might be the part that the doctors said was "bad position".  Either that or they were just guessing as to why the baby was stuck.   

    I think the running, locking #1chromic just refers to the type of stiching.  It doesn't say whether you have one layer or two, which can sometimes be important, I guess.


    (and I have no medical training, so take all of that with a grain of salt. :))



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  • Chromic probably refers to chromic catgut, which is the material used in the suturing. I posted about some differences between chromic and vicryl a few posts down (titled "Suturing material also matters"). It also contains a link to some studies about suturing material.

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