Eco-Friendly Family

Almond milk-yay or nay?

I know the thoughts about soy milk, especially relating to girls and I give that to Addison in moderation. (I'm a believer in everything in moderation anyway really) but this week I bought some almond milk and she seems to LOVE it. I was wondering what the "scoop" is on it and if there are any nutritional pitfalls or "issues" (like the phytoestrogen in soy) that I should be informed of and read up on?

Also my pedi recommended only 8 fl. oz of cow milk a day at her age. We drink organic and low fat so I don't really worry if she goes a little over since I'm assuming he was most worried because of fat content now as well. Should I be limiting her if she drinks almond milk too? Like yesterday she had 2 sippy cups of it throughout the course of the day. (the kid is a drinker). other than that she drinks water though.... Esp in this heat.

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Re: Almond milk-yay or nay?

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    My understanding is that there are less concerns about organic nongmo soy milk. I have heard good things for both almond and coconut. They just don't have as high a fat content for the little ones that still need that. That's my understanding anyway.

    Big E (6) & Little E (2.5)
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    I'm not worried- I give DD both cow and almond.
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    Here is a breakdown of milk alternatives that I did.

    Here is an easy way to make your own almond milk.  It's much cheaper than what you can find in the store and it doesn't contain the preservatives.

    We're big hemp milk fans, but we do give almond milk occasionally.

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    Here is a breakdown of milk alternatives that I did.

    Here is an easy way to make your own almond milk.  It's much cheaper than what you can find in the store and it doesn't contain the preservatives.

    We're big hemp milk fans, but we do give almond milk occasionally.


    wow interesting. Didn't know about Hemp Milk! Doesn't look like the brand you use is sold anywhere near me, though. BUMMER! I'll keep an eye out as I shop though. Thanks!

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    MOP uses Almond milk.  (They are vegan)

    We only use Coconut milk because L can't have dairy.  Cade has been drinking coconut milk for a looong time.  And that's all L will have.  
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    Here is a breakdown of milk alternatives that I did.

    Here is an easy way to make your own almond milk.  It's much cheaper than what you can find in the store and it doesn't contain the preservatives.

    We're big hemp milk fans, but we do give almond milk occasionally.


    wow interesting. Didn't know about Hemp Milk! Doesn't look like the brand you use is sold anywhere near me, though. BUMMER! I'll keep an eye out as I shop though. Thanks!

    My store actually stopped carrying the brand in the post.  I've been ordering Tempt - Living Harvest brand online in bulk for the past six months.  You can get great deals online.

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    Make your own! Its not that hard and it tastes a lot better IMO!

    The store bought as I'm learning has a not so good preservative.


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    yay, as long as she's getting calcium and fat from other sources.   i'd also be sure to buy the unsweetened stuff.  we drink trader joe's unsweetened vanilla.


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