Eco-Friendly Family

New week, new eco challenge?

How about reducing household trash by half?

I know some people on the board have little to no trash, but I have a medium size can that I fill about halfway every week.  I'd love to reduce that to 1/4 or less.  :)

Anyone want to participate?   

Mama to two boys and a girl: J (6 yrs), C (4 yrs) and A (4 mo)
Posts on cloth trainers/PLing

Re: New week, new eco challenge?

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    Great idea! I'm in. We're pretty good with keeping our trash on the low end thanks to LOTS of recycling and donating. I'd like to see if I can reduce our recycling as well to more upcycling. Some ideas here.

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    Me!  I'll accept the challenge.
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    I'd like to try it, but we don't have recycling here :( I'd have to drive our recycling to the next county, which I think would negate my less trash? (We can recycle aluminum, but we don't really drink sodas so we never have cans to recycle.)

    How about I commit to compost every single bit of compostables instead! (I've been lazy about it!)

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    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
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    I'd like to try it, but we don't have recycling here :( I'd have to drive our recycling to the next county, which I think would negate my less trash? (We can recycle aluminum, but we don't really drink sodas so we never have cans to recycle.)

    How about I commit to compost every single bit of compostables instead! (I've been lazy about it!)

    That still reduces your landfill waste. It counts!


    & Yep, I'm in! But did we miss our PIPs? Weren't we supposed to PIP our no-dryer week? I need to upload my pics. 

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    I'd like to try it, but we don't have recycling here :( I'd have to drive our recycling to the next county, which I think would negate my less trash? (We can recycle aluminum, but we don't really drink sodas so we never have cans to recycle.)

    How about I commit to compost every single bit of compostables instead! (I've been lazy about it!)

    That still reduces your landfill waste. It counts!


    & Yep, I'm in! But did we miss our PIPs? Weren't we supposed to PIP our no-dryer week? I need to upload my pics. 

    There were some PIPs in the check in thread (and a couple in the original thread). I didn't post a final check in though. :( Kdello, love your modification idea!
    Mama to two boys and a girl: J (6 yrs), C (4 yrs) and A (4 mo)
    Posts on cloth trainers/PLing
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    I want to join! We are working on this now. Just started composting and reducing our trash was one of our goals! I'd be interested to see how much we can reduce it down to. 
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    Oooh, do you think my DH will let me use an EFF eco-challenge as a reason to FINALLY get a compost bin? He is anti-compost bin for some unknowable reason. I would definitely reduce my trash by 1/2 if we had one. 
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    Oooh, do you think my DH will let me use an EFF eco-challenge as a reason to FINALLY get a compost bin? He is anti-compost bin for some unknowable reason. I would definitely reduce my trash by 1/2 if we had one. 

    I think I'm going to have to start composting again in order to meet the challenge.  I wasn't so successful last time I tried.  I think I want to try vermicomposting (sp) this time. 

    Mama to two boys and a girl: J (6 yrs), C (4 yrs) and A (4 mo)
    Posts on cloth trainers/PLing
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