Does anyone own one? Are you happy with it?
We go swimming SO much and I feel like we could have so many awesome pics of the kids if we had a way to have a camera at the pool. Plus their b-day party in 2 weeks is a POOL party - so I'd like to find one soon. BUT not spend an arm and a leg.
Re: waterproof digital camera?
We have a Fuji, its waterproof up to 30 feet, dust proof, shatter proof up to 6 feet and freeze proof. It also takes video, underwater even. Its DH's camera, he's pretty tough on things and he's had it for almost 2 years and has yet to destroy it, lol. We have friends with an Olympus that they seem to like. Whatever brand you go with, get a flotation strap otherwise it sinks and then you have to go fishing.
We have an Olympus camera as well. It works waaaaay better for outdoor/water pictures than for indoor stuff where sometimes the pics can come out blurry or the lighting is off.
I use my DSLR for indoor stuff and the Olympus for pool things etc. We've had the Olympus for 4 years and haven't had any problems with it!
Thanks everyone! We're heading to the outlet mall today...maybe I can find something there for a deal.
We won't plan to use it indoors, so that's not an issue. But DH and I both grew up basic pool rats...and figure our kids will be similar (one of the reasons why we chose our house - walking distance to the pool)!
i have the cannon waterproof/shockproof and it is amazing!!! I took it through the entire warrior dash and i got amazing pictures and it is none the worse for wear