I got checked today and had my membranes stripped. Baby was so high up, the doc thought maybe she'd turned breech. Boo. An ultrasound confirmed she's head down, just floating way above my pelvis. I'm glad she's not breech, obviously, but boo on the high up baby. Also, my doc told me I'm 1 cm, although she said the "outside" of my cervix is at 4 cm. What does that mean? I've never heard of there being an "inside" and "outside" cervix measurement. Anyway, she assured me only the inside measurement matters, so I guess who cares.
I was two weeks late with DS when I was induced. A long 36 hours later, I pushed for three hours and my sunny side up baby boy totally failed to descend, resulting in c-section. This time, doc will let me go to 41.5 weeks or so assuming all is well, but we're both agreed that we won't induce. We'll just go direction to the repeat section if labor doesn't happen by itself (doc might give a "whif" of pitocin if I'm already in labor, but that's it).
What can I do here? Anything? Bounce like mad on a ball, I guess. Has anyone tried acupuncture for inducing labor or getting baby to drop into pelvis?
(I realize I'm still a week out, but I'm so nervous about going late.)
Re: Nervous about going late...tips?
I've been seeing an acupuncturist this whole pregnancy, I love it. If it's something you're going to pursue you should look into it sooner than later - my acupuncturist says she has better luck helping people who come in for a couple sessions, rather than just one.
You could also look into a chiropractor, I'm seeing one of those as well.
And walk walk walk walking!