
breast feeding twins

Almost three months ago I was blessed with the most wonderful little twins.  They have received breast milk either from a bottle or from BF since birth.  It has been quite the struggle but I would like to try to go as long as we can on breast milk.  I have a few questions...
Does anyone pump and breast feed?  How often do you feed from the breast (times per day?

My appetite is ravenous.  I cannot seem to keep up.  Is anyone else experiencing this??  I am worried about gaining alot of weight with the amount my appetite has increased.

Will this get easier as foods are introduced??


Any tips or advice is greatly appreciated!! Thank you!

image image image We were blessed with Connor Benjamin and Charlotte Eleanor on May 15, 2011 at 34 weeks and 5 days. Both babies were healthy and came home with us from the hospital!!

Re: breast feeding twins

  • I always had a huge appetite while bf'ing, and was never able to lose much weight while bf'ing... it always started to come off quickly after weaning.

    For the first 6 months or so, I only pumped for outings so that I didn't need to worry about bf'ing while we were gone.  Between 6-9 months, I slowly added more pumping sessions until I was exclusively pumping toward the end and weaning for about the last month.

    ~Crystal~ SAHM to Sam (5), Hugh (3), Mary & Grace (22 months) : )
  • I'm in the same boat as you--my girls have had breastmilk since birth, either in a bottle or from the breast. My appetite was HUGE at first, now back to normal. Don't worry about gaining weight--just eat when you are hungry. If you try to watch what you eat at this point, your supply might go down. Just eat healthy.

    I will usually try nursing tandem each morning, and depending on how that goes, I'll either pump at the next feeding or nurse again. If its a good day they will only get bottles at night, but on a normal day they don't tandem nurse that great so I end up bottle feeding throughout the day and pumping around that same time.

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