Hi Ladies,
I would appreciate any inofrmation on VBACS. I had #2DS via c-section because baby had his arm up over his head. I labored for 4 hours and was already 7cm and water had broken when they realized baby's arm was in the way. I did not have DS#1 via c-section and labor and delivery went fairly quickly with no complications.
I discussed the option of having a VBAC in a few years when we have #3. My Dr. said in CA it is very unlikely i would find a OB willing to do it and the risk was too high. I know many women have done it and been fine.
I will obviously find another OB but will like any input.
Re: newbee
It seems like you would be an excellent candidate, since you've already had a vaginal birth. I definitely agree with finding a new provider. The response you got sounds just like what I heard "due to litigation in Philadelphia, you're going to have a really hard time finding someone. I'd love to give you a recommendation, but I don't know any one in the area who will let you go past dates with a VBAC." Blah, Blah, Blah.
ICAN is a great resource for information and finding a new provider.
Whaaaat? I heard just about every dr in California does vbacs; my doc said it is b/c CA has tort reform