She's got a terrible rash again. It didn't pop up until just now with a poopy diaper. I don't think it's yeast - I think it was from the poop. I changed her right away so it's not like she's been sitting in it forever.
I'm trying to brainstorm here. I'm wondering if it's detergent related. We've been using Tide for awhile and while it doesn't line up exactly, the rash we started dealing with a couple of months back did show up after, but not immediately, I started using Tide. I have an HE washer so I know that getting the right detergent to number of diapers to water ratio can be really tricky. I generally use between 1-2 tbs of the Tide for a 2 day pile of diapers, cloth wipes, and fleece liners.
I'm starting to get really frustrated. Please help me brainstorm through this. =-(
ETA: she cried HARD when I put the Cali Baby diaper cream on her so it must have stung badly
Re: Rash AGAIN?!? Need some brainstorming help
Could it be your wipe solution?
We had what I thought was yeast for about a month, and I tried EVERYTHING to get rid of it. Finally I switched from RnG to Crunchy Clean and viola! It was gone.
Now that DS is teething, he gets all red after every poop. I have resorted to putting him in a sposie after a poop so I can slather him with a bunch of aquaphor, and usually that works.
I use straight water for wipes.
The Bee Hive Blog
"So I sing a song of love, Julia"
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25 Weeks - GOAL MET 52.2 Pounds gone! 27 Weeks Total Pounds Lost: 54.0
I'd try adding an extra rinse or two at the end of your wash cycle, to make sure you're getting all the detergent out. If you stop the machine during the agitation and wait a few seconds for the agitation bubbles to go away, any remaining bubbles are due to detergent. Keep running rinse cycles until they go away.
It could also be teething. Or did you add any new foods recently? I know some mamas on here have had trouble with acid-y foods like fruit causing rashes.
This completely. We just don't mess around with rashes. I have only gone through teething rashes twice (the second being now we think) but to me, it's not worth it. I can't really help with the wash routine because we don't have an HE. Good luck, I know how frustrating it can be!
We had rash issues a while back.
The three things that helped us were:
1) we switched from Tide free & gentle to Planet - going to try the EFF CD Detergent in the next few days as it has rave reviews.
2) Stopped using California Baby Spray and Cream - DD did the same thing would just scream and cry when we put it on her
3) Pediatrician gave us a script for Happy Heiny's rash cream. He said some babies have really sensitive skin that breaks down from poop and this would help it.
I hope you get it sorted out soon I know how frustrating it is.
I would second the food thing. Did she have any pineapple, tomato, citrus fruit? That could cause it. I hope you figure it out. I've been using coconut oil and it works wonders!
I think if it only happens when she poops that it's not detergent buildup or sensitivity. You would get a rash with every diaper, esp the overnight diaper, if it was detergent-related (buildup or sensitivity).
My guess would be acidic foods or sensitivity to the rash cream you put on her after poops. Maybe try coconut oil or unscented CJ's. Poor baby
THANK YOU for helping me work through this! I REALLY appreciate it!
I always add an extra rinse but I think I'll add another one (or even more if I need to) on top of that since I'm really thinking the culprit here is detergent. Her rash looks like a burn almost - it's has little teeny blisters.
I know exactly what you mean about acidic foods. I made that mistake once with pineapple. Poor baby! That's actually when all of this originally started a couple of months ago because I thought her urine was doing it because of the pineapple she had eaten. Nothing new recently and no tomatoes, no pineapple, or citrus.
She does eat a half of a banana daily. Not sure if that could be the culprit though since she's had banana pretty much every day since she started eating solids long before the rash.
Teething - it could be because I'm sure she's about due for some more. She has 8 in the front but hasn't had any more since the spring. What comes next usually? Eye teeth or molars?
I do have coconut oil in the nursery since I had used it on the yeast. When she was sobbing after the Cali Baby and I was hugging her (and trying not to cry myself because I knew how badly she was hurting) I told myself that I would switch back to the CO. Come to think of it, she was crying last night at her bedtime diaper change and I had put CB on her all day as a preventative when there wasn't even a rash present. Now I'm wondering if maybe it's an allergy to the CB? *mental note to take the other tube of CB out of her drawer at DC next week and replace it with CJs since there's coconut oil in it.
If you think of anything else, please share! =-)
The Bee Hive Blog
"So I sing a song of love, Julia"
BFAR:We Defined Our Own Success!
25 Weeks - GOAL MET 52.2 Pounds gone! 27 Weeks Total Pounds Lost: 54.0
I was typing my novel when you posted. ;-) I was wondering the same thing.
Good point about the detergent since we're not having problems with urine only diapers.
The Bee Hive Blog
"So I sing a song of love, Julia"
BFAR:We Defined Our Own Success!
25 Weeks - GOAL MET 52.2 Pounds gone! 27 Weeks Total Pounds Lost: 54.0
One last thought. When you described the rash it sounded like the only rash DD has ever gotten. It took me a few MONTHS to figure out that DD is allergic to suedecloth! It would come and go but it took me a while to associate it with the diaper I was putting on her (duh, I know. Mom of the year here lol)
I destashed all of our BGs and Flip stay-dry inserts and she hasn't had a rash since. Are you using all natural fibers? Maybe she can't do fleece or suedecloth?
We mostly use Best Bottom (MF inserts) at home and that's what she's been in exclusively since Monday during the day. I did switch to BG overnight about 3 months ago and her daycare stash is BG (which she has only used for a few mommy's day outs since it's summer and we're teachers). We have been using fleece liners in everything to help keep the diapers in better shape/stain-free.
I really hope it's not that. I would hate to have to destash when I spent so much money on them. I know that I wouldn't get it all back to replace them with something else that works just as well and is easy for Miss D to use. Of course, her health is more important but you know what I mean. =-(
ETA: was your LO's rash all over like on the full part of the cheeks and anywhere the diaper touched or more just in the pee/poop zone? BB's is all in the zone.
The Bee Hive Blog
"So I sing a song of love, Julia"
BFAR:We Defined Our Own Success!
25 Weeks - GOAL MET 52.2 Pounds gone! 27 Weeks Total Pounds Lost: 54.0
The Bee Hive Blog
"So I sing a song of love, Julia"
BFAR:We Defined Our Own Success!
25 Weeks - GOAL MET 52.2 Pounds gone! 27 Weeks Total Pounds Lost: 54.0
FWIW, BB's rash does NOT look like this
The Bee Hive Blog
"So I sing a song of love, Julia"
BFAR:We Defined Our Own Success!
25 Weeks - GOAL MET 52.2 Pounds gone! 27 Weeks Total Pounds Lost: 54.0
Oh geez, no. DD's was a raw, weepy, blistery fire-red rash right around the anus and the edges of her butt cheeks closest to the crack. It extended a bit forward onto her vulva too. So yeah, only in "the zone".
As for natural fiber liners, just use a cloth wipe
Oh, and DD is fine with fleece. Just not suedecloth.
Well maybe suede isn't the problem since I've always had fleece between her and the diaper? I love troubleshooting. :-/
The rash calmed down considerably during nap time and is now just a bunch of "pimples" but not red anymore.
And...the teething comment made me wonder so I checked after her nap. Guess who has some molars just breaking through? It makes sense because she's been a bit more whiny the past few days. Now whether or not that's the cause of the rash, IDK but anything's possible.
The Bee Hive Blog
"So I sing a song of love, Julia"
BFAR:We Defined Our Own Success!
25 Weeks - GOAL MET 52.2 Pounds gone! 27 Weeks Total Pounds Lost: 54.0
I would try using a diff detergent and see if the rash clears up. My dad was allergic to Tide so my mom always used Gain. I'm not a big fan regular laundry detergents. I would try using a more natural laundry detergent since they tend to cause less allergic reactions.I would recommend Mrs. Meyers. I was a hardcore Tide fan until I used Mrs. Meyers but Mrs. Meyers leaves my clothes softer, cleaner, and doesn't leave the residue that Tide does.
If it's not the laundry detergent, it could be your wet wipe solution. Another possibility might be the bath soap your using.
Also, it could be something she is eating or drinking that is agitating her. I know my DD could not have alot of apple juice. If she did, her poopy diaper would be kind of runny, diaper rash, and be sensitive. My sister's kids had the same problem. If they drank alot of any acidic juice, it would turn their butt red and almost raw. If it is the drink/food related, give her a warm bath and sprinkle baking soda in tub with her. Let her soak for a lil bit and this should help ease the diaper rash. Hope this helps.
She doesn't drink juice so I can rule that much out. I didn't think about the bath soap. Right now we're using J&J since we were given so much of it when she was born. She doesn't get a full bath daily to avoid drying out her skin so she's not using it all of the time (which is another reason the J&J has lasted us so long), but I will pay attention to see if there is any pattern to her baths and a rash. Once the J&J is all gone, I'm planning on getting something from the HF store.
Good idea about the baking soda - I'll add some to her bath water on bath nights. She loves her bath time so she should get some good contact time with it while she's playing.
The Bee Hive Blog
"So I sing a song of love, Julia"
BFAR:We Defined Our Own Success!
25 Weeks - GOAL MET 52.2 Pounds gone! 27 Weeks Total Pounds Lost: 54.0