Eco-Friendly Family

Re: How much do/did you wear your NB?

My NB will only nap in the moby (nights are better).  Problem is, there is only one or the other...she either cries (because I have a 2.5yr old to attend to, who's newly potty trained to boot) or naps when I wear her.  I usually shower in the morning while she is in the bouncer, she'll cry about 50% of the time then, and the rest of the day she cries or has to be worn.  

I do remember this neediness with my first, but I literally wear Aubree for ALL her day time sleeping which seems like a lot!  

Do you wear your baby this much? 

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Re: Re: How much do/did you wear your NB?

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    I'm pretty sure the only time I wasn't wearing him was when my husband was.  Jack hated the bouncy seat unless I sat there with my foot on the bottom bar making it bounce even more.  I could occassionally transfer him to the swing though once he was asleep.
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    The first month, yeah, I wore DS2 all the time.  all the time.  now not nearly as much.  but they're used to being snuggled in you.  Now they're out, and there are weird noises, toddlers "loving" them, etc.  I'd want to be snuggled too!
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    Wow- that sounds like a lot (from someone with no perspective).  Do they rest on you (if you weren't running around after #1) if you lay down/ are sitting?  I know that's pretty close to just wearing them around, but I'm still new/ nervous about the baby slings. 

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    DD#2 will sometimes nap on me, but it's hit and miss.  The moby seems to always work and settles her faster so I use that.  Plus the obvious benefits of having my hands free for DD#1.

    When DD1 was this age I had her in the moby for morning naps but I think we went for a drive for afternoon naps.  That's not usually practical with a toddler, so now she is in the wrap for both am/pm.  Also since it's summer we can go to the park to entertain DD1, whereas with my first it was winter and we had less options.

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    My NB will only nap in the moby (nights are better).  Problem is, there is only one or the other...she either cries (because I have a 2.5yr old to attend to, who's newly potty trained to boot) or naps when I wear her.  I usually shower in the morning while she is in the bouncer, she'll cry about 50% of the time then, and the rest of the day she cries or has to be worn.  

    I do remember this neediness with my first, but I literally wear Aubree for ALL her day time sleeping which seems like a lot!  

    Do you wear your baby this much? 

     Oh, I wore my DD almost ALLLLL day for 3 months!  Her naps were ALWAYS spent in the Moby - usually while I was bouncing on the yoga ball.  She would typically sleep at night with being in the Moby, but was in bed next to me for this to occur!  She did *sometimes* let me put her down in the floor on a blanket or something and be content for a bit, but then I usually had to pick her up and carry or wear her...  At 3 months, it was like a switch - she didn't like being in the Moby very much anymore for naps (was fighting it horribly), so I tried lying her down in the bed and she SLEPT - NOT ON ME!!!  As much as I loved wearing her, man it was draining sometimes!!  :)  It is lovely, but it will get a little easier as she gets older! :)  

    Hang in there! 

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    Sounds about right...with DD#1, we literally had her in our arms 14-16 hours a day or wearing her. They just love being close. If we have a second, I plan to get an ERGO so all-day wearing is more possible. DD didn't like jumpers or bumbos until much later when she was getting interested in standing (9m?).


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    I feel like I was constantly holding or wearing him for the first 4 months. 
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    I have a 3 yo, 2 yo, and 5 mo.  The 5 mo napped in the Ergo for an hour while we walked at the park this morning and then napped in it again for over an hour this afternoon while I was canning and cooking in the kitchen.  Those were her only naps today.

    I pretty much wear her for 50% of her waking time too.  It's just easier when I'm chasing after two crazy toddler-aged boys.

    I barely ever wore my oldest.  My second I wore a lot, but not nearly as much as #3.

    ETA - I rarely wear my newborns unless we are out of the house.  I only start wearing them when they are more wakeful and not content sitting in the bouncy.

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    I do recall carrying/ holding/ wearing DD a lot at that age. She also loved being swaddled for naps and night time (while in her crib), otherwise she'd wake very frequently.
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    Yup. When LO was a newborn until about 3 or 4 months she would cry unless she was being held or worn. I wold moby it up pretty much constantly.
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    I really think it's normal. I didn't wear my DD #1 much all that much unless we were going out or if I needed to get things done around the house but she was ALWAYS with me. I never put her down really. I would sometimes put her on the boppy on the couch if I needed 2 hands to make food but usually she slept on me and I held her/carried her around.

    With #2 upcoming I FULLY plan to wear her all the time. since I'll most likely have to while tending to DD #1. it'll just be easier.

    I agree with all the pp's who said NB's should be held/snuggled. It's natural and they need us. I'm AP in that way though. For at least the first 4-months I didn't put my DD #1 down or let her fuss for a second. She slept with me or on me... there were rare occassions around the 4-5 month mark where she started napping in the swing or her crib sometimes. I just want to enjoy & embrace those first couple months when they really need us the most... I know it's going to be tougher this time w/ another one to tend to but I'm gonna try!

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    Wow- that sounds like a lot (from someone with no perspective).  Do they rest on you (if you weren't running around after #1) if you lay down/ are sitting?  I know that's pretty close to just wearing them around, but I'm still new/ nervous about the baby slings. 

    I know it sounds like a lot but it's really normal up until about 4 months for them to want to constantly be held and tightly at that, think about how they just spent the previous 9 months of their lives, that's what's normal to them.  As for your hesitation about baby slings come on over to the AP board and have a look around you will see a lot of mom's including myself who do babywearing in a very safe and responsible manner that just makes raising kids so much easier in day to day life. 

    Moby's (which are wraps, not slings) are great for that first 3-4 months of snuggly newborn stage and are one of the first things (or a ring sling) I tell every new mom to get because it will save you a lot of sanity and allow you to do simple things like eat, pee, fold laundry etc without trying to juggle a baby on top of it.  They take a little practice but are seriously so worth the effort. GL with your pregnancy!

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    I wore my daughter a ton the first 3 months (to my MIL's horror). Once DD could sit in an exersaucer and play she didn't need to be held all the time. The twins I didn't wear as much becuase as soon as I get one loaded up the other needed something. It was a constant in and out so I just gave up. I only used it for shopping, etc after that


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