Cloth Diapering

Newbie question list

I thank you tremendously for helping me through this transition and please forgive me if I sound like an idiot about this stuff lol. I have read the FAQs, found some tutorials and visited a bunch of sites about CDing, but I feel like I still need help.

1. Why would you do fitteds with covers instead of pockets? Wouldn't pockets be easier and cost about the same or less?

2. Are prefolds with covers a pain in the butt or easy-peasy? Are they more likely to leak? Both of my boys are heavy wetters.

3. Are prefolds good for larger babies? DS#2 is almost 15 lbs now so I'm trying to skip the small sizes.

4. I really want diapers with cute prints on them for boys. Any suggestions on where to find these (for decent prices)?

5. Am I more likely to find cute prints in one type of diaper over another - ie. covers over AIOs?

6. Can you use fitteds without covers when home for the most part, or do you always have to cover?

7. If I'm buying used - are there any things I should specifically look out for?

8. Velcro or snaps?

9. Someone told me that if I'm buying on Spot's corner it might be good to check here to see if that person sells often. Is there any easy way to tell that if I don't bump that much?

Again - thanks for the help. Sorry I can't find all the answers in back posts or online. You ladies are always great help!

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Re: Newbie question list

  • I'll answer what I can...


    1. Why would you do fitteds with covers instead of pockets? Wouldn't pockets be easier and cost about the same or less? Some women hate stuffing pockets, fitteds can be more absorbent (depends on brand) and fitteds are breathable when coverless or paired with wool.  Cost depends on brand.

    2. Are prefolds with covers a pain in the butt or easy-peasy? Are they more likely to leak? Both of my boys are heavy wetters. There's more of a learning curve with PFs, but I really grew to like them once I got the hang of it. Leaking will depend on the fold and the cover used.

    3. Are prefolds good for larger babies? DS#2 is almost 15 lbs now so I'm trying to skip the small sizes. PFs are good for all babies. They come in a range of sizes, but you can always fold a large PF to fit a smaller baby- it just might be bulky. PFs are a great way to cut costs and skip sizes between NB and OS.

    4. I really want diapers with cute prints on them for boys. Any suggestions on where to find these (for decent prices)? Check HC, Spots, etc.

    5. Am I more likely to find cute prints in one type of diaper over another - ie. covers over AIOs? Right now, I'd say fitteds or AI2s from WAHM brands. Some WAHM brands make pockets and covers with cute prints too.

    6. Can you use fitteds without covers when home for the most part, or do you always have to cover? You can go coverless at home

    7. If I'm buying used - are there any things I should specifically look out for? I would be aware of any stains, holes, what detergent was used, fading, pilling, etc. It really depends on what is important to you. The price should reflect the condition.

    8. Velcro or snaps? Personal preference. I have both in my stash. Velcro is nice for DCP, dads, sitters- basically anyone not familiar with CDing. It wears quicker though and LOs can learn to take them off. I prefer snaps because they are more durable and will be hard for LO to remove.

    9. Someone told me that if I'm buying on Spot's corner it might be good to check here to see if that person sells often. Is there any easy way to tell that if I don't bump that much? You can check the seller's feedback on Spots. There should also be a link to contact the seller and you can ask if they have additional feedback on other sites, such as FB, TB, DS, etc. Most women on TB offer what they're selling to bumpies before listing on Spots, or will immediately post their Spots listing here so bumpies can hopefully snag something first.

    Also, check out the FAQs at the top of the board if you haven't already. Hope that helps!

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  • 1. Some people have leak issues with pockets, but fitteds work great. Some people use fitteds for certain situations (naps, overnight use) where pockets don't work as well. Some people want their kid's butt to breathe more. Some people get addicted to the prints.

    2. Easy peasy. They're a bit of a challenge if your kid's in the rolling stage, but I still use them on occasion with DD and they work fine. You'll likely have to change more often on a  heavy wetter.

    3. I'm using PFs occasionally on my 17mo DD. But for a heavy wetter you may need more absorbency.

    4. Etsy, Hyena Cart, Spots Corner, clearance sections of the diaper sites (Kelly's Closet, Cotton Babies)

    5. Fitteds are more likely to have cute prints. some sellers have cute prints on PUL covers

    6. Yes, a lot of people use coverless fitteds around the house

    7. Ask for pictures, get stuff without stains, and avoid anyone who's had a yeast issue. I have a LOT of used CDs, and i've only had one bad transaction the whole time. See if you can buy from someone you "know", even if it's someone on this board who you've seen good stuff from.

    8. I don't have a preference. DD can get Velcro off, but I put those diapers on under a onesie or pants/skirt so she can't get to them.

    9. No idea

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  • imageChristieAnne:

    I thank you tremendously for helping me through this transition and please forgive me if I sound like an idiot about this stuff lol. I have read the FAQs, found some tutorials and visited a bunch of sites about CDing, but I feel like I still need help.

    1. Why would you do fitteds with covers instead of pockets? Wouldn't pockets be easier and cost about the same or less?

    Personal preference.  Fitteds tend to be more absorbent than pockets, though.  Also, they can be worn without a cover, making them very breathable (this is nice when it's really hot out).  And some people hate stuffing pockets.

    2. Are prefolds with covers a pain in the butt or easy-peasy? Are they more likely to leak? Both of my boys are heavy wetters.

    They do take a little practice, but I wouldn't necessarily say they're a PITA.  You can add absorbency, the same as adding a doubler to a pocket.

    3. Are prefolds good for larger babies? DS#2 is almost 15 lbs now so I'm trying to skip the small sizes.

    DS is about 17 lbs and we still use prefolds daily.  He's currently in GMD red edge, though we can also make the brown edge work.

    4. I really want diapers with cute prints on them for boys. Any suggestions on where to find these (for decent prices)?

    Most cute prints are on fitteds.  I like several of the Rumparooz prints, but they have a very short rise so DS will outgrow our RAR before anything else.

    5. Am I more likely to find cute prints in one type of diaper over another - ie. covers over AIOs?

    Fitteds have the widest variety of prints.  There's just a limited number of PUL prints out there.

    6. Can you use fitteds without covers when home for the most part, or do you always have to cover?

    We usually go coverless at home.

    7. If I'm buying used - are there any things I should specifically look out for?

    You want the elastic and snaps/velcro to be in good shape.  Stains can affect price.  Sometimes fabrics wear at the edges; I would expect any holes to be disclosed.  Sometimes people ask which detergent was used, though I haven't.  If in doubt, you can always ask for more pictures.

    8. Velcro or snaps?

    Personal preference.  Some DHs (daycares, babysitters, etc.) prefer velcro, and you can get a more adjustable fit with velcro.  Some babies learn to take velcro diapers off earlier.  Some of those babies go on to learn how to remove snaps, so buying all snap diapers is no guarantee.

    9. Someone told me that if I'm buying on Spot's corner it might be good to check here to see if that person sells often. Is there any easy way to tell that if I don't bump that much?

    No clue - sorry!

    Again - thanks for the help. Sorry I can't find all the answers in back posts or online. You ladies are always great help!

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