Eco-Friendly Family

Alternative to breast milk storage bags?

I'll be returning to work in a few weeks and will be pumping a few times a day. I plan to pump into bottles and then freeze the milk each day. I have a stash in the freezer to start with so I'll use that older milk first. I hate using so many bags though... is there a more environmentally friendly option that doesn't take up tons of room? Thanks!


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Re: Alternative to breast milk storage bags?

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    I had bags leftover from my last baby that are just about to run out.  I've decided that when I'm done with them I am going to start freezing my milk into ice cube trays (I have some with lids for baby food).  I read somewhere that one cube equals one ounce.  This way you can measure the amount you want per bottle by simply tossing the cubes into the bottle.

    I'm going to freeze the cubes and then put them into glass pyrex container.

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    We used the ice cube tray method for some milk. The rest we stored in Lansinoh bags, but we reused them 2-3x's. I'd fill them with water to test to make sure they didn't leak before I put milk in them, but I could get 2-3 uses out of them before they were kaput.
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    I used the Medela 2 oz and 4 oz bottles and was able to fill from pump, freeze, and thaw with no problems. (They have separate lids for storage/drinking.)
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    I store in the bottles.  Probably not the most efficient space-wise, but reusable indefinitely. One tip that I will pass on is that I liked writing the date on the bottles with a dry-erase marker.  This helped me make sure to use the oldest stuff first.  The date rubs right off as you wash the bottles.
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    There are storage bottles made by snappis (different than the diaper snappi company I think). The ones I use hold two ounces of milk and fit onto my lansinoh pump.
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    I was wondering too, this suggests glass canning jars, to give the article credit:

    By Terri Hall-Jackson, contributing writer to Care2's Green Living

    Moms choose to breastfeed because they believe this is the most nutritive, safe choice for their precious babes. Breast pumps make it possible to store this liquid gold, but some storage containers are better than others.

    Containers made of polycarbonate or PVC (vinyl) plastics have been shown to leach toxins such as bisphenol A (BPA) and phthalates, chemicals associated with hormone disruption, prostate and breast cancer, and other damaging health effects. Those sealable plastic nursing bags designed for storing breast milk are made of polyethylene. Studies published in Early Human Development and Nutrition Review showed no chemical leaching into the milk, but did indicate that milk stored in these bags may lose some nutrients because they cling to the plastic.

    The answer is glass jars, any kind as long as it?s cleaned out very well?preferably in the dishwasher on high heat.

    Heavy glass canning jars are ideal for canning breast milk. These jars, available in 8-ounce sizes, can withstand cold and heat. This means they can be refrigerated and placed in hot water for heating milk. After pumping, immediately pour breast milk into one of these wide-mouth jars and refrigerate. Be sure to fill the jar only halfway in order to provide room for glass expansion.


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    We used the baby food trays and then transferred to freezer bags once it was frozen.  I reused the freezer bags so I didn't feel like I was wasting them and I really loved the fact that I could thaw exactly the amount I needed even if it was just an ounce.  I'll be doing the same this time around.
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    check out the Honeysuckle milk storage bags!  They sell them on Amazon and they are Biodegradable!!  I have been using them or a while now and haven't had any problems with them. 
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    You can use glass bottles, just don't fill them too full.
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    If you do a search for "freezer breastmilk trays" you will find some options that include trays with long tube shapes. These are great for milk because once they are frozen, you can transfer the tubes (which are generally 1 oz each) into another container and then pop them into a bottle to thaw.
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