My husband and I are looking at our options for when my 12wk maternity leave is up. Depending on the cost of daycare, we're not so sure me going back to work right away is the most financially sound option for us.
I'm going to visit some places within the next couple weeks but I wanted to do a little research beforehand. I haven't found a website yet that lists pricing. In your experience, can you ladies give me a ballpark # for 1 infant?
Thanks for any and all help!
Re: cost of daycare
When I was looking for DD almost 3 years ago, the lowest I found was $800 for an in home center and that was for someone who had their own kids in the house. The highest was $2400 for a Primrose school in N. Raleigh. The place I decided on going to was an in home center that only took 5 kids 18m or younger and she was $1000 a month (she was an older woman who converted the front of her house to a day care). In the end after we sat down and figured the numbers out, I decided to SAH (I was also commuting 45min a day minimum each way).
Looking back and now having a 2 kids, I wouldn't chose an in home center where someone had their own kids, and I also don't like the fact now that Facebook, Twitter, etc have become so popular, I just wasn't comfortable with having someone possibly not 100% present (the woman I chose always responded like 10 seconds after I sent an email to her and I found that odd, she had a computer set in in the day care section of her house). Having kids changes perspective on what you are looking for and I would for sure pay more $$ for a center with lots of activities and options (I know there are downsides too). I know DD as a toddler would not be content to sit in someones house all day, all things to think of when you are looking, you hate to have to move them once they are settled somewhere.
Katrina - I know exactly where that is and it's close to work. I'll put that on the list to check out, thank you.
dbertangi - I see what you mean. Growing up, my youngest brothers were at an in-home center but that was ran by a close family friend. For some reason it seems trickier to find a good in-home center than a reg daycare.
I had no idea that this costs so much! It's hard to picture myself as a SAHM but priorities are slowing shifting...
We pay $1080/mo and it is going up to $1135/mo until he is 2 years old, in North Raleigh.