Are we crazy???? ?
The timing is right for spacing out #2 and #3 (we did NOT want them to be as close in age as our first two are- way too hard) so we decided the timing would be right to start trying now. ?YIKES! ?Seems like we are finally in a groove with the boys and this will certainly change things ?Can't wait to see who are #3 is (hopefully in 2009)!
Re: We're going to TTC#3 next month!
that's awesome! good luck!
Reynah- ?Thanks for the advice... Kyle is a textbook Shettles attempt for a girl with a 4 day cut-off prior to ovulation! ?I say he is the little boy I never knew I always wanted- my little sweetie pie. ?Yep, we'd love a pink bundle this time around.
Ryan 5/2010, Kyle 1/2007, Eric 3/2005
The time has come, huh? Wow, so exited!!! Good luck with the journey and hopefully it happens soon.
Are you doing IU/Microsort? Or IVF? Just curious as to what your options are.
Wishing you lots of pink dust!!
Dean 5/23/06 & Baby boy # 2 EDD 11/29/08