
Baking Moms

Our preschool is having a bake sale this Saturday to benefit a little girl in our community. What are some cute things I can bake? They have to be nut free.

Re: Baking Moms

  • Cake pops lots of different choices and shapes.
  • Rice Krispie Treats cut with a cookie cutter and dipped in chocolate.
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  • I did cake pops once and they were a huge seller.  My other go-to's are pioneer woman's cinnamon rolls (since you can get 8-9 pans out of one batch), monster cookies (again, one batch makes a ton and everyone loves them), and puppy chow.  I always pacakge the cookies and puppy chow in celo bags and tie them with a cute ribbon and label.
  • imagejoseysbride:
    I did cake pops once and they were a huge seller.  My other go-to's are pioneer woman's cinnamon rolls (since you can get 8-9 pans out of one batch), monster cookies (again, one batch makes a ton and everyone loves them), and puppy chow.  I always pacakge the cookies and puppy chow in celo bags and tie them with a cute ribbon and label.

    I was also going to recommend PW's cinnamon rolls.  Those are perfect for a bake sale. 


  • Oreo Truffles.  Google the recp. So easy!
    C ~ Spring 2006 Baby! Photobucket
  • I made josey's s'mores cupcakes and they were a big hit at the daycare carnival cakebooth :)
  • This is always the first site I go to when looking for something new or fun to do- the hand pies would be cute, you could cut them with cookie cutters and put in celo bags- we did these for Valentine's Day for DS' teachers. The apple pies were yummy.

  • Last fall, I also did caramel apple pies-in-a-jar.  I just froze them ahead of time.  They took me forever to make, though, so I probably won't do those for a bake sale again.
  • imageJCS2007:

    This is always the first site I go to when looking for something new or fun to do- the hand pies would be cute, you could cut them with cookie cutters and put in celo bags- we did these for Valentine's Day for DS' teachers. The apple pies were yummy.


    Thank you for posting that site!!  I love it and I've never seen it until now....I just spend a half hour perusing ;)

  • Cake pops are great but soooooo time-consuming.  And not really cheap to make, you know?  The candy melts are not cheap and you waste a lot. I was making them a lot for my n&ns' birthdays, but H made me swear off them, as they keep me up all night decorating.  But if you do do them, I'd recommend something easy, like just yellow ones with smiley faces or the chick ones off bakerella's site.

    I baked some brownies inside mini ice cream cones, and those are always a huge hit.  Since they rise so much and the cones are small enough, one batch of brownie batter will make about 4 dozen.  If you add mix-in's like fruit (fresh cherries are fantastic!) or white chocolate chips, you'd get even more.


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