We were told to start the day we brought DD home from the hospital. I didn't put her on a hard, flat surface so the umbilical stump was not a problem. I laid her on my tummy, chest to chest. We would snuggle like that for 15 minutes at a stretch, throughout the day. When she was closer to 3-4 weeks old, we were able to put her on her tummy on a blanket on the carpet.
I work in a hospital and we recommend a minimum of 45 minutes a day (not all at one time), every day, from the day baby goes home. ?Time to get started
From the day we got home. We were amazed at DS's crazy neck strength! I can remember those days so vividly it's hard to believe it's been almost two years!
Re: When to start tummy time
Ryan 5/2010, Kyle 1/2007, Eric 3/2005
Liam is 5!