
When to start tummy time

I don't remember when we need to start giving B tummy time.  I thought that I started doing it with P pretty early, but wasnt sure.

Re: When to start tummy time

  • We started with both right after the cord stump fell off, so 2-3 weeks.
  • We were told to start the day we brought DD home from the hospital.  I didn't put her on a hard, flat surface so the umbilical stump was not a problem.  I laid her on my tummy, chest to chest.  We would snuggle like that for 15 minutes at a stretch, throughout the day.  When she was closer to 3-4 weeks old, we were able to put her on her tummy on a blanket on the carpet.
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  • Ha, the only way that ds would sleep was on his tummy. So for him, it was from day one.
  • I work in a hospital and we recommend a minimum of 45 minutes a day (not all at one time), every day, from the day baby goes home. ?Time to get started :)
    Ryan 5/2010, Kyle 1/2007, Eric 3/2005
  • From the day we got home.  We were amazed at DS's crazy neck strength!  I can remember those days so vividly it's hard to believe it's been almost two years!
    Liam is 5!
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