Young teens that is. I have brothers who are 13 and 14, and they watched the movie Saw when they were preteens, watch movies like Get Him to the Greek, Hangover, tv like Jersey Shore, etc.
I think that is crazy. When I was 13 I was still watching Full House. *Maybe* Nightmare on Elm St (which is nothing compared to horror movies now) if I was over a friend's house.
Am I a prude? It terrifies me to think of my DD watching such adult material as a young teen.
Re: S/O movie ratings... movies and tv that teens watch
I don't think you're a prude. I think things should go according to age, and not allowing kids to watch certain things is okay.
My SS was allowed to watch anything at his mother's house. She never blocked the porn channels and wondered why he would stay up watching TV while she went to bed. uh yea okay lady.
She was also "shocked" when we told her we busted him watching porn online.
He was 13 at the time.
I'm 100% with you.
Even I'm uncomfortable watching Jersey Shore. LOL! This proves that I am a prude, but seriously, those people are gross.
A relative let her 9 year old daughter watch the movie Taken.
People are letting their kids grow up way too fast now. This relative lets her daughter because, "all her friends do."