Baby Names

Girl name woes

I am really having girl name trouble.  I only like a handful of names and they are names from my generation mostly. I do not like trendy, popular names like Madison, Cloey, Zoe, Ashlyn, etc.  I like older names but that seems to be the new trend so I am trying to stay away from the Ava, Eva, Caroline, Greta trend too...

Here's my list:




Hadley - husband doesn't like this and I know it's kind of a trendy name...

I love Allison, Lauren, Emily, Katherine, Elizabeth etc. but those are all sibling/1st cousin yes, I have 4 names on my list and really only like Whitney!  Perhaps it is decided then?!  

Never have been a fan of Jessica or Sarah either, fyi!

Re: Girl name woes

  • not a fan of:  whitney, bethany, allison, elizabeth


    but I do like:  lauren, jessica, emily, katherine, hadley, mallory


    How about Valerie Katherine?

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  • I like Bethany and Hadley.
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  • I like Whitney and Bethany (one 'n'). Mallory is on DH's list. Hadley is icky. Here are some others you may like (based on Whitney and Bethany as inspiration on Nymbler): Portia, Tabitha, Elyse, Shelby, Leslie, Krista, Hannah, Courtney, Cassandra, Erika, Samantha, Lindsay, Katrina, Lydia, Sabrina, Blythe.

    Personally, I think I like your choice of Whitney out of all of them. It's a good name, uncommon, under-used.

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  • I think Whitney is really lovely and def. not trendy.  Its really refreshing I think. 


  • Mallory is the only one i like out of the 4
  • I like Bethanny and Hadley
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  • My husband and I love the name Mallory, it was on our list.  We do factor in name meaning, and Mallory means unfortunate one/unlucky.  I kept having flashbacks to 9th grade where we had to do a short research paper on our name and give a presentation. . . and if my baby is a girl, I couldn't name her that knowing the meaning.

    Maybe you don't care about name meanings, but wanted to help you out if you do.  We still love Mallory, but we have like 8 names on each sex, so it was nice to strike one out. 

  • Bethany is the only name from your list that doesn't feel ungodly dated to me.

    Have you considered Brooke or Morgan? Both are from our generation, but have a fresher feel.

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  • My sister's name is Jessica Whitney....I love it :)

    I think Whitney is a great name...not overused nor completely "out there."

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  • I actually really like Whitney, Bethany (with one N), and Mallory. Hadley is just super ugly, IMO.
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  • Of your choices, I like Bethany. (with one N)
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  • I like Whitney and Lauren.
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  • I love Bethany and Mallory. They are underused!

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  • I love Whitney! Go for it!

    Bethanny I prefer spelled with one N, but I think it's a great name. Mallory is okay, but Hadley is really not my style. It reminds me of Hedley Lamarr from Blazing Saddles.

  • imagemagsugar13:
    Mallory is the only one i like out of the 4

    This.  Dislike Bethanny.  Really dislike Whitney.

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