Cloth Diapering


do you have somewhere locally that you get CD's? or do you order mostly online?
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Re: ***yodasmistress***

  • I know of nothing locally.  There might be something somewhere but I don't know about it.

     Hey given that my kid is older than yours, if you ever want to "try out" any brand that I have, I'm happy to loan it to you.  

    Along those same lines I've got a pretty good condition GM fitted on Spots that just won't sell that you can HAVE if you want.  :)

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • oooh I'd love to see the GM!

    Down on Main St. there's a store called Park + Vine that carries BGs, FBs and Thirsties.  They used to carry Twinkle Traps fitteds but I haven't seen any new stocked, and the only ones left are pretty tiny.  

    They also carry other CD stuff, like Bummis, some prefolds, snappies, Rockin Green and some WAHM wet bags. That's the only place I know of.  Wasn't sure if I was missing out on something :)

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  • One of my best friends (who actually works with me) mom owns a house down on Main and Orchard across from where Mr. Pitifuls is (was?).  I should see if I can find that store the next time I'm down there!

    We need to get together for a play date some time.  I know you said your kiddo can't play yet, but honestly, even though he's old enough to play, my kid isn't old enough to collaboratively play anyway. 

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • It's about 2-3 blocks from Central Pkwy, near13th.  They have all sorts of other good stuff too.
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  • I also like these longies of yours

     SUPER tempted....Indifferent

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  • imageMrsDink:
    I also like these longies of yours

     SUPER tempted....Indifferent

    Despite being a little felted in the crotch they are actually very nice longies - good proportions and the wool is nice and soft.  You can have them for $20 if you want.  And I can give them to you whenever I see you to save on shipping. 

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • sold!

    PM me your paypal and I'll gift you the money :)

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  • PP addy is this same name on Yahoo.  Do me a favor and hit BIN on Spots so that no one else buys them though.  Then you can send the payment manually and after I get it I'll mark the Spots listing as sold.  :)
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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