
Adoptive Mothers and Breastfeeding??

I am wondering if any of you adoptive mothers have breast fed?  I have been reading about consulting with my Dr. About the Lactation Process.  However as of right now.. our BM is offering to provide us with her breast milk (not breastfeeding). 
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Re: Adoptive Mothers and Breastfeeding??

  • Hey! We haven't been matched yet, but I am planning to breastfeed. 

    I know **willie2B** has breastfed at least one adopted child and may just be starting with a second. 

    I think it is great that BM is offering to pump for your little one! 

    June 2010-Lap
    b2b Injectable IUI #1 7/25/10 & 7/26/10 = BFP beta 14dpIUI = 133 MC 9/14 at 9 weeks
    b2b Injectable IUI #2 12/5/10 & 12/6/10 = BFN
    IVF #1 ER 3/28/11 ET 3 embryos 3/31/11= BFN
    b2b Injectable IUI#3 6/28/11 & 6/29/11 = BFN
    PAIF/SAIF Welcome :)

    Submitted Adoption Application on 6/1/2011
    Homestudy 7/19/2011
    IVF#2 CX due to Adoption Match
    We were blessed with our daughter through the gift of adoption
    IVF #2.1 ET 2 embryos 2/14/13 7 frostiesLilypie First Birthday tickers

  • imageinlovewithB:

    Hey! We haven't been matched yet, but I am planning to breastfeed. 

    I know **willie2B** has breastfed at least one adopted child and may just be starting with a second. 

    I think it is great that BM is offering to pump for your little one! 

    i sure did! and i started again for #2! pm me with questions

    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

    TTC since 2005
    missed miscarriage nov 2006- 4 failed clomid cycles-
    3 failed femara iui cycles-
    moving on to IVF oct 2011
    ER nov. 7th
    tansfered 2 blasts on 11/10
    lots of +hpt!!
    beta #1 on 11/21= 50.4
    beta #2 on11/23= 90.8
    another miscarriage 12/23
    moving on to Round 2 of IVF with an auto immune dx
    ER 4/23-retrieved 12 eggs
    ET 4/28 3 transfered
    Beta #1- 356
    Beta #2- 870

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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